WP Profitshare Advertisers Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Profitshare is the affiliate marketing platform with highest sales in Romania and Bulgaria.
It can be used only by Advertisers.
The module will simplify for you the integration of every component needed in order to have an active Profitshare Advertiser account.
The plugin settings page. For starters, in the “settings” page you need to select profitshare server, fill in the Advertiser tracking code and Advertiser encryption key fields with the info found in your Profitshare account (https://app.profitshare.ro/advertiser/account or https://profitshare.bg/advertiser/account – Tracking tab) and setup vat value based on your country. The vat value will be used to calculate the products prices without VAT.
Footer. The module will automatically add the tracking.js script from profitshare servers in the footer section, and, with this one, we will be able to track the clicks who are coming from profitshare.
Product&Category page. Here we will add some profiling scripts who are used to profile your customers in order to send specific targeting ads.
Checkout page. In this page we are sending the orders to profitshare servers, the orders are sending by 2 methods, one by server and one by inserting iframe to checkout page.
Feeds. The products feed are generated by wordpress crons, daily, you can find your feed in wp-contentuploadswp-profitshare-advertisers. The crons are setup to work after you successfully complete your advertiser details in settings page, so, after that, you will have to wait some minutes to be able to see the products feed url in settings page.After that, you have to copy this link and insert it into your advertiser account (https://app.profitshare.ro/advertiser/account or https://profitshare.ro/advertiser/account – Settings tab).
The plugin settings page.
The plugin settings page with pending feed.
The plugin settings page with available feed.