WP-QingStor Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

WP-QingStor Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Please go to QingCloud Console to create Access Key, Secret Key and a Bucket for WordPress.

After setting:

  1. Auto sync to QingStor Bucket when uploading Media files to WordPress Media Library.
  2. After selecting Automatically Replace the Media Files URL, the plugin will auto replace the local URL of Media files with QingStor Bucket URL when the article is rendering.
  3. Email notification of Scheduled Backup depends on PHP email settings.
  4. The backup function requires zip and mysqldump command.
  5. If the option Automatically Set Policy is checked, the plugin will set Acl as ‘public read’ and set Bucket Policy as ‘deny all users to get object from backup prefix’. If not necessary, do not change it.


请首先前往 QingCloud 控制台 创建 Access KeySecret Key 和一个用于 WrodPress 的 Bucket。


  1. 向媒体库上传文件时,会自动上传到设置好的 QingStor Bucket。
  2. 开启 自动替换资源文件 URL,插件会在文章渲染时自动替换资源文件的 URL 为 Bucket 地址。
  3. 定时备份的邮件通知依赖 PHP email 的相关设置。
  4. 备份功能需要安装有 zip 和 mysqldump 程序,可分别在终端使用 zip --versionmysqldump --version 命令检查。
  5. 开启 自动设置存储空间策略 后,插件会设置 Bucket 的权限为‘公开可读’,以及设置存储空间策略为‘禁止所有用户对备份文件所在目录操作’。如非必要,无需修改。


  1. QingStor Settings

    QingStor Settings

  2. Upload Settings

    Upload Settings

  3. Backup Settings

    Backup Settings

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