WP QuickLaTeX Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

 Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
5 Average out of 6 ratings
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Plugin Description

Insert formulas & graphics in the posts and comments using native LaTeX shorthands directly in the text. Inline formulas, displayed equations auto-numbering, labeling and referencing, AMS-LaTeX, TikZ, custom LaTeX preamble. No LaTeX installation required. Easily customizable using UI page. Actively developed and maintained. Visit QuickLaTeX homepage for more info.

  • Standard LaTeX expressions can be cut and pasted directly into WordPress posts, pages, and comments; display environments require no enclosures, other expressions require only a surrounding $..$ or [..]. No need for enclosing tags [latex] ... [/latex].
  • Correct vertical positioning of inline formulas relative to baseline of surrounding text. Say “NO” to jumpy equations produced by other plugins!
  • SVG vector graphics support, so that formulas are crisp regardless of scaling in browser.
  • (AMS)LaTeX displayed math environments support: equation, align, gather, multiline, flalign, alignat, etc.
  • Automatic numbering of displayed equations. Override autonumbering with tag{} LaTeX command.
  • Equation hyper-referencing by standard LaTeX rules with label{}, ref{}.
  • Custom LaTeX document preamble, allowing added usepackage{} and newcommand{}.
  • TikZ and pgfplots graphics package support.
  • Preview formulas in comments before publishing. Additionally AJAX Comment Preview plugin should be installed to enable this feature.
  • Meaningful error messages for mistakes in LaTeX code.
  • Precise font properties tuning: size, text and background color.
  • Easy style customization using UI or CSS file.
  • No LaTeX installation is required.
  • QuickLaTeX.com automatically provides formula images, which are then cached on user’s server.
  • Administrative settings page for setting global parameters; AJAX-ified.

Just place LaTeX math expressions into your text and enable QuickLaTeX on the page by [latexpage] command.
WP QuickLaTeX will convert them to high-quality images and embed into post. Inline formulas will be properly aligned with the text.
Displayed equations will be auto-numbered by LaTeX rules.
To see plugin in action please visit math-pages on my blog, e.g. Central Differences,
Cubature formulas for the unit disk, Smooth noise robust differentiators, etc.


  1. LaTeX - enabled post in WordPress editor.

    LaTeX – enabled post in WordPress editor.

  2. Same post - published.

    Same post – published.

  3. TikZ drawing inclusion (up: source code in the post editor, down: published post).

    TikZ drawing inclusion (up: source code in the post editor, down: published post).

  4. Admin page - Basic settings.

    Admin page – Basic settings.

  5. Admin page - LaTeX Syntax Sitewide & Custom preamble

    Admin page – LaTeX Syntax Sitewide & Custom preamble

  6. Admin page - Image format and other system settings.

    Admin page – Image format and other system settings.

  7. Debug Mode - Error message triggered by misspelled <code>sqrt</code> command.

    Debug Mode – Error message triggered by misspelled sqrt command.

Reviews & Comments