WP Template On The Fly Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Create templates on the fly.
Just by some few clicks.
Override your theme’s template files by your wish.
Create any number of sidebars you want.
Put sidebars in your custom created templates.
Apply your custom style to created sidebars as well as templates.
Add any number of plugins to sidebars.
And its done, yes!
You created new theme which you can edit it from 0% to 100% by only some clicks, any time, any where, and for any reason, and add any number of custom template to your theme too.
This version is just for start. There are many extreme properties which I designed, but I need more time to implement them, be patient.
Help me make it better by your ideas as well as subscription payment!
This plugin will change the world of WordPress Theme Development!
You not agree? let see!
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WP : WordPress
WPTOF : WP Template On The Fly
What is the approach?
If you are familiar with WP, you know that it is based on Posts.
But Posts have ID, Title, Date, they can have Categorys, Custom Taxonomys, Tags, Custom Post Types and so on.
Then think you have created your blog with some Posts, Pages, other Custom Post Type Posts, some Categorys, some Custom Taxonomys, some Tagss, some of them are published by some Authors, in some Months, Years, Days, Weeks, and in continue, you have uploaded some Attachment to your blog.
What should you do if you decided to make Specific Template per Post?
In the best case you have read codex.wordpress.org articles and made a good understanding on it, then you can create some files to gain your goal.
But if you have no knowledge in PHP, WP Functions and Coding Structure and etc, what should you do?
Before you email me to do such jobs for you, I decided to do it by myself, in general purpose, and with all aspects and considerations.
Specific Template can be made based on ID of Post, Date such as Year, Month and Day of publish, the Author, the Type of Post, Tag, Category, Taxonomy, or if its an Attachment, it can be made based on Mimetype, Subtype, or Mimetype_Subtype.
It is the capability of WP, not me, not you, not any one else.
But using this capability is hard for publics, conversely, easy or less hard to programmers.
By WPTOF, you can create any Specific Template you want, for any reason, by some clicks.
No programming skill you need as well as no WP structural understanding.
Because you will not create any .php file, although you will create Template!
All job is done as virtual.
you will create Templates by just select Type of Template,
which is : Which request the Template will serve to?,
you will save Templates in Database,
you will apply Style to Templates by just some click and inserting some values, as well,
you will save Style of Templates into Database,
you will create some boxes to be displayed in Templates,
these boxes are Sidebars,
(although they can be in center, top or bottom, or anywhere, the surname is remained Sidebar since past),
any Sidebar has a unique name,
then you will apply Style to Sidebars by just some click and inserting some values, as well,
you will save Style of Sidebars into Database,
you will sort Sidebars by your wish in each Template,
then you will find some Plugins, going to Widgets page, you will assign those Plugins to Sidebars,
and that’s it.
Point 1:
Any Sidebar can be in any Template, it can be repeated multiple times in a Template, as well, in the same time, it can be in other Templates, Style of Sidebar is applied to it everywhere it is, in any Template and in any Sort number.
Example 1:
Create index.php, if there is no Theme and no other Templates, for any request WP will select index.php. (See WP Template Hierarchy)
Apply some Styles, such as max-width, padding and margin.
Notice: WPTOF will print a div for Template and will apply Style to it. (If you have no idea which div is, don’t worry, there is no need to know!)
You can see any changes in Style after you clicked on Save Style button.
In the next step, create a Sidebar and name it Header.
Going to Template-Sidebar tab, assign new Sidebar to your new Template.
Now you will see a box added to Template box, click on new box, Active sign appeared, Style Target changed, now you can change the Default Style of new children box.
It will result a Template box which is Parent, and a Sidebar box which is Children.
In this Time you can go to Widgets page of WP and assign a plugin to it.
In this example i assumed that you want show only one Banner in your Header Sidebar.
Then you can install Image Banner Widget and put an banner image into your sidebar.
This was soooooo simple, wasn’t it?!
Now you can create any number of Templates and assign this Header Sidebar to them.
In fact you created a simple Theme, but untill now, only Header part of it is complete!
Some definitions:
When you install WP, it came with default Theme.
Going to /wp-content/themes/Current Theme directory, you will see some .php files, as well as some folders and etc.
Some of those .php files are Templates.
Then, short concept, any Theme is made of Templates and other things, but Templates are basic.
Without Templates, no Theme can show posts, pages, archives or etc.
Then Template is a .php file which is related to a part of WP, and Theme is made of Templates, each for responding to the kind of visitor’s requests.
When WP receives a request, which has a URL, and is sent by site visitors, it tries to find the Template provided by Theme to reply to such kind of requests, when found, WP will load Template, which is, .php file.
We will see the WP Template Hierarchy later (as well as you can see it in Template tab in WPTOF setting page, it is shown as Parent fields of Primary Templates), but now you should know that WP will search Templates in a hierarchical manner, such as a tree, for example, if a leaf not found, WP will search for parent of that leaf, if parent not found, WP will search for grand parent of leaf and so on.
At the end, if there was no Tempalte except index.php, it will be shown to the visitor.
Point 1:
If you want the Templates in WPTOF override their brothers in your WP installed Theme, you should Active them, if they are Inactive, they will not be considered by WP at all.
Example 2:
page.php is a Template to show Pages.
archive.php is a Template to show any Archives.
category.php is a Template to show Categorys.
author.php is a Template to show Authors.
Example 3:
If request URL is for a Category, WP will search for category.php, if it found, it will be shown, else WP will search for archive.php, in same manner, if it found it will be shown, else WP will search for index.php.
Some used words:
These are constant Templates which I created and inserted to WPTOF database, without them WPTOF could not did the job correctly, these Templates are defined and you have no need to define them, they number is too less than number of Templates which you can define.
If you want to use them, add them Sidebars and Active them, then they will be shown by WP.
These Templates are:
- index.php
- 404.php
- archive.php
- author.php
- category.php
- date.php
- day.php
- month.php
- year.php
- tag.php
- taxonomy.php
- comments-pupop.php
- home.php
- front-page.php
- page.php
- paged.php
- search.php
- single.php
- attachment.php
- single-post.php
These are Constant Templates, so you can only add Sidebars to them and Active them, but there are some Variable Templates which are as following:
[Child of archive.php]
*** The bolder part of Template‘s name is Variable, but as its word shows, $posttype, it expects a Post Type, which can be Post, page, or other Custom Post Type.
If you created a Custom Post Type and want to allocate Specific Template to its Archive, create this type of Template, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a list of Post Types for you to select.
[Child of year.php]
If you want to allocate Specific Template to the Posts of certain year, create this type of Template, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a text box for you to insert year number, in should be in 4 digit format like 2013.
[Child of month.php]
If you want to allocate Specific Template to the Posts of certain month, create this type of Template, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a text box for you to insert month number, in should be in 2 digit format like 10.
[Child of day.php]
If you want to allocate Specific Template to the Posts of certain day, create this type of Template, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a text box for you to insert day number, in should be in 2 digit format like 06.
[Child of taxonomy.php]
If you created a Custom Taxonomy and want to allocate Specific Template to it, create this type of Template, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a list of Custom Taxonomys for you to select.
[Child of taxonomy-$taxonomy.php]
If you created a Custom Taxonomy and want to allocate Specific Template to certain Term of this type, create this type of Template, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a list of Custom Taxonomys as well as a list of Terms from each Custom Taxonomy for you to select.
category-$id.php | category-$slug.php
[Child of category.php]
If you want to allocate Specific Template to certain Category by id or slug, create on of these types of Templates, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a list of Categorys for you to select.
tag-$id.php | tag-$slug.php
[Child of tag.php]
If you want to allocate Specific Template to certain Tag by id or slug, create on of these types of Templates, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a list of Tags for you to select.
page-$id.php | page-$slug.php
[Child of page.php]
If you want to allocate Specific Template to certain Page by id or slug, create on of these types of Templates, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a list of Pages for you to select.
author-$id.php | author-$nicename.php
[Child of author.php]
If you want to allocate Specific Template to certain Author by id or nicename, create on of these type of Templates, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a list of Authors for you to select.
[Child of single.php]
If you want to allocate Specific Template to show single Posts of certain Post Type, create on of this type of Templates, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a list of Post Types for you to select.
[Child of attachment.php]
If you want to allocate Specific Template to show single Attachments of certain Mime Type, create on of this type of Templates, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a list of Mime Types for you to select.
[Child of attachment.php]
If you want to allocate Specific Template to show single Attachments of certain Sub Type, create on of this type of Templates, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a list of Sub Types for you to select.
[Child of attachment.php]
If you want to allocate Specific Template to show single Attachments of certain Mime Type & Sub Type, create on of this type of Templates, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a list of mimetype_subtypes for you to select.
[Child of page.php or index.php]
If you want to define a custom Template to allocate it to any page or anything possible, create on of this type of Templates, add Sidebars to it, and finally Active it.
I provided a list of mimetype_subtypes for you to select.
Now you know which type of Templates you can create and how.
When you created a Template from one of above Variable Templates, you will see that the Primary field of its record will be yellow image, it means your new Template is not Primary, because you created it, not me!:))
Now you know what are Active, Inactive, Primary.
Deleted is not anything, do not pay attention to it!:))
When you created your custom Templates, you should go to Sidebars.
Here we go!
When you install Themes or use default Theme, certainly you would deal with Sidebars.
You would install some of the Plugins and put their Widgets in Sidebars.
There is no difference between your previous Theme‘s Sidebars and newly created Sidebars in WPTOF.
The points are:
1- WPTOF Sidebars are dynamically Created by you, not by your Theme developer.
2- WPTOF Sidebars are dynamically Styled by you, not by your Theme developer.
List of all templates, either I created and yours, these templates can be activated, then WP will use these templates instead of template files in /themes directory.
Tail of above list.
Create new template, select type of it, for example I want to create Specific Template for specific term from specific taxonomy! then I should select taxonomy-$taxonomy-$term.php from Template Type List
Whe I selected taxonomy-$taxonomy-$term.php, a simple form appeared by ajax, in this form i can select taxonomy and term, when i click on create button, template will be created, this template will be used by WP if i activate it.
Here I can Create any Sidebar or Remove them. these sidebars can be used anywhere in WP, as well, WPTOF.
Here I can Append any sidebar to any template, apply style to templates, apply style to sidebars, order sidebars, or deappend sidebars.
2 sidebar added to a template.
15 sidebar added to a template. I changed styles of sidebars so presentation changed by ajax.
This is how my sample template will be shown, but there is now plugins inside sidebars, only remained step is it. I should go to Widget page of WP and add any plugin to my sidebar, once I added them, they will apear in my sample tempalte. thet’s it, enjoy.