WP Ultimate Social – All In One Social Features’ Collection WordPress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
All in One – Social Features’ Collection WordPress Plugin
An ultimate package of all social features in one plugin!
WP Ultimate Social is an ultimate package of all social features you ever need in a website. Social icons, social share, social counter, twitter feed, pinit buttons, social login and more in one single plugin.
Full feature lists
Social share
– Allow anyone to share website content(posts, pages, images, media) on major social media(Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, GooglePlus, Pinterest, Digg, Buffer, Reddit, Tumblr, Stumbleupon, Xing, Weibo, VK, Delicious ).
- Beautifully designed 15 themes to select from, high quality, retina ready designs for share icons.
- Beautifully designed 9 themes for floating sidebars.
- Major 15 social media included (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, GooglePlus, Pinterest, Digg, Buffer, Reddit, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Xing, Weibo, VK, Delicious, Whatsapp).
- Share via email and print options are also available as an options for sharing.
- Compatible with woocommerce and buddypress.
- Floating widgets and share with popup also available
- Latest use of APIs to fetch data.
- Auto updates on all APIs.
- Option to select which social media profile to show.
- Display order for selected social media.
- Supports custom post types and custom taxonomies.
- Display options- sidebar, widgets, posts and pages, popup and floating options are also available.
- Supports widgets and shortcodes.
- Simple option for pinterest share for images.
- Beautiful CSS3 animation – add some charm on your website.
Social Share settings
Social counter
– Allows to include your social accounts fans, subscribers and followers count display on your website.
- 20 Beautiful themes.
- 5 soothing animations.
- Configurable Floating sidebar with 5 pre available themes.
- Widget and shortcode availables with various configurable parameters.
- Latest use of APIs to fetch data.
- Auto updates on all APIs.
- Option to select which social media profile to show.
- Display order for selected social media.
- Beautiful CSS3 animation – add some charm on your website.
- Dark and light design themes available – fits in any design.
- Fast load-time – as fast as light.
- Wide share, great viral – share your page, post.
- Cache setting – you can set a cache period to avoid frequent API calls.
- Fully Responsive – compatible with mobile devices.
- Highly customizable – define and customize almost everything (Icons, social profiles, animation, behavior etc).
- User friendly and very interactive user interface.
- Anyone can use it, its as easy as drag and drop.
Social counter settings
Social Icons
– Link-up your social profiles right from your website, in an easy and fun way.
- Beautifully designed 16 icon sets.
- Select from pre available icons themes or upload your own.
- Strong customization options.
- Define size, set height, width of the icons.
- Set margin / spacing between icons.
- Link up your social media profiles, set link targets.
- Enable and disable the tooltips.
- Choose display type (vertical or horizontal), define no. of rows/columns.
- Multiple icon sets multiple places
- Create multiple-instance of the icon sets and use them in multiple places.
- Font Awesome icons
- Choose from 105+ font awesome icons, color/style them as you need!
- SVG icon sets
- High quality SVG icon sets, make your icons retina ready!
- The social sidebar
- Configure and setup social sidebar with lots of options for your site.
- Easy integration
- Get short code or use widgets for each instance you design
- Use the short code anywhere you like: header, footer,in the content area
- Get some styles!
- Define styles like shadow, borders for icons.
- Define tooltips and style it with your own color, BG color.
- Tooltips
- Add some feel on your icons – add and customize the tooltip.
- Enable or disable tooltips.
- Interactive Icons
- Make it interactive, define hover animation on icons.
- Make your own layout
- Vertical and horizontal display option.
- Select rows and columns.
- Real time live preview
- Real time live preview – check how it looks on your website before using it.
- Order the icons
- Order the icons – they way you like by using easy drag and drop feature.
- Fully Responsive
- Fully Responsive – compatible with mobile devices.
- User friendly and very interactive user interface.
- Anyone can use it, its as easy as drag and rop.
- SEO friendly
- Use your own image alt/title tags for hover-over text
- Google will love it!
Social Icons settings
Twitter Feeds
– Display your twitter feeds in your website and increase our social reach to next level.
- Fetch latest tweets from any account
- Multiple Twitter Accounts Support
- Tweets Media(Image) Embeds Support
- Twitter Timeline layout included
- Slider mode available with various configurable options
- Ticker mode available with various configurable options
- Configurable number of tweets to display
- Caching option to prevent frequent API calls
- 12 Beautiful design templates to choose from.
- Easy use with shortcode or widget with various configurable parameters
- Display tweets in slider
- Configure tweet date/time format
- Option to show/hide full user name
- Lightweight – Installs in seconds
- User friendly – very easy to configure and setup.
Twitter Feeds settings
Social Login
– Allows users to register/login to the website using one of their favorite social website accounts.
- Login with the most popular 9 social media.
- Configure each social accounts by setting up a few authorization details.
- Configure which social media account to enable/disable in the login area.
- Configure which area of the website the social login should be displayed (eg. Registration, login, comments)
- Option to choose from 17 beautifully designed social login buttons/icons.
- Option to configure the order of the social login buttons.
- Use shortcode anywhere in the post/page to display social login.
- Use widget to display social login.
- Option to enable / disable social login (completely).
- One click registration/login.
- High level of customization/configuration – admin can change the title attributes for social media icons, other texts, strings etc.
- Ability to send the login details to the user’s email.
- Integrate with the wordpress users.
- Works with buddypress.
- Works with Woocommerce.
- Nice and easy to use admin interface for site admin to manage, configure the plugin.
Social auto post
– Auto post all your website contents to social media(Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr). You can configure multiple social profiles to more than one facebook account.
- Auto post on Facebook Profile and Facebook Fan Pages.
- Auto post on Twitter.
- Auto post on LinkedIn.
- Auto post on Tumblr.
- Configure unlimited account of each social media (Eg. you can auto post to more than one Facebook account).
- Auto post of new posts, custom post types (you can configure).
- Auto Post filtering as per post types and taxonomies i.e you can enable auto post for certain post types or certain categories.
- Ability to shorten long URL into a tiny URL with bitly for twitter.
- Ability to enable and disable each account.
- Logs available to track all your the auto posts to individual accounts.
- Post format selection ability for facebook account.You can post either simple text message or share your blog post.
- Message format configuration ability for each account individually.Post your posts uniquely as per your requirement in each network.
- Ability to publish a single wordpress post to all the added accounts concurrently with just one publish click.
- Ability to enable and disable auto post in post screen so that you won’t need to go to plugin settings to disable Auto Post.
Auto post settings
– Allows user to pin images from posts and pages. Add custom pinit buttons on images. Add different pinterest widgets using shortcodes and widgets.
- Custom pin it buttons with various configuration options
- Custom pin it button page display options.
- Supports custom post types and custom taxonomies.
- Options to add enable classes and disable classes for filtering the display of the pinit button.
- Pin it button position display options.
- Pin it image description source options to choose.
- Can setup minimum image size to show “Pin it” button.
- Pinit button margins settings.
- Overlay transparency setting.
- Options to show the pin it button on hover or always show.
- Mobile devices compatibility.
- Retina ready.
- Native Pin it button for images settings.
- Pin it button configuration (size, shape).
- Pin it button color customization.
- Pin it button language selection.
- Follow Pinterest button for website.
- Pin board widgets.
- Pinterest profile widget.
- Latest pins feed
- Lightweight – Installs in seconds.
- User friendly – very easy to configure and setup.
- Shortcodes and widgets available.
Pinterest settings
Find the plugin documentation here:
Customer Reviews:
Lifetime Dedicated Support
– You can find us anytime when you have some queries, problems or with any valuable suggestions for plugin or us. This plugin is supported. All you need to do is contact the developer through following ways:
- Forum Support From here.
- Plugin Comment here
- Dedicated Support Forum – You can contact us through our support forum through https://accesspressthemes.com/support
- Online Chat Support
Our Support Includes
- Errors and Bugs
If your website reports any error due to our plugins, let us know. Send us the problem details with necessary links and screenshots, we’ll dig into it and get it resolved.
- Lifetime updates
We test and keep on updating our WordPress themes and plugins. So check for the new updates and keep your site secure and up to date with new technology.
- Customer-friendly development
If our products’ features don’t quite fit your requirement and you have some better suggestions – we are always happy to hear from you. We are ready to equip your business with better options. For this you can request a paid customization.
Our Support Does not Include
- Plugin installation
Our plugin price doesn’t include installation service. But we have plenty of tutorials and extensive documentation that you can rely on. And in case of any issues detected during installation, we are there to help. If you need a professional installation done – you can ask us for paid installation and configuration.
- Plugin customization
Any core customization of features and function of the plugin doesn’t fall into our free support. However if you want the plugin to be customized to fit your need – ask us for the customization quotation. We work on a fixed price and hourly basis model.
- 3rd-party issues
We do not take care of issues that are related to 3rd party plugins and themes. Also, we do not provide support to integrate any 3rd party themes or plugins.
Update Logs:
Version 1.1.7 - Made necessary changes and fixed Tumblr auto-post issue. - Made code refinements for increasing security.
Version 1.1.6 - Fixed issue regarding envato followers count not showing by implementing access token method. - Added the feature of Sharedcount.com api to get the shared counts of facebook and pinterest in one api call. - Fixed issue related to email notification settings in social login regarding sending custom email to new users. - Checked compatibility with WP version 5.7.
Version 1.1.5 - For social icon, fixed custom image upload issue and did the necessary CSS and js refinement. - For social counter share, added method 2 for FB two get the follower count of the page. - For the Instagram, Dribbble, and Vkontakte follower counter, added new settings to fetch count. - Updated share link for LinkedIn and messenger. - For social auto post, refined code to fix Twitter auto-post and added a new LinkedIn v2 method to enable auto post for LinkedIn. - For social login, fixed facebook and Linkedin login issues and added new settings for Instagram login.
Version 1.1.4 - Pinterest Issue Fixed: Pinit latest image not displayed issue fixed
Version 1.1.3 - Session removed on all backend saving setup. - Multi-site Compatible - Mobile API Autopost feature added since Facebook Graph API has been deprecated. - Backend few CSS and JS refinement. - Compatibility check with WordPress Latest Version.
Version 1.1.1 (13th June, 2018) - Documentation Link which redirect to shipping link removed for new update link. - Error removed shown on backend email notification settings section - floating social counter error message shown for hide_count issue resolved.
Version 1.1.0 (24th May, 2017) - Social pro - Fixed the facebook followers counts issue. - Added more options for the widgets section. - Fixed facebook share counts issue using access token. - Updated the delicious share URL. - Added option to hide/show fan/followers counts. - Added option to make floating sidebar semi-transparent. - Added options to enable/disable floating sidebar in posts/pages - Fixed the share issue for the floating sidebar for taxonomy and terms. - Addition of the Bit.ly API for the twitter url shortner feature. - Bug fixings for the facebook share count issue using transients. - Added viber, sms and facebook messenger buttons for social share. - Added option to fetch the URL share counts from HTTP url as well for HTTPS sites. - Addition of do_action hooks to make users add more social networks if they need it. You can use add_action using these tags for 'apss_more_networks' in content and 'apss_more_networks_in_shortcodes' for shortcode. - Added option to make the share icons left/right/center aligned. - Done the bug fixings for the popup shares issue for facebook and linkedin for different browsers. - Added an option to disable the cache for the share counter. - Added an option to share the content in new popup window. - Added an option to disable the popup email share and use the user's mailing app. - Done the bug fixing for the pinterest share in buddypress activity. - Added an attribute for shortcode to enable custom link share when using the shortcode. - Added new option to enable the sticky header share options. - Fixed the content not showing issue for archives pages. - Done the addition of new dribbble API for followers counter. - Done the modification of working mechanism of Instagram followers count with the change in the Instagram API on June 1 2016. - Added more button option for the floating sidebar to display all social shares in popup. - Added third party APIs to include the twitter share counts. - Added delay timer to show the popup share. - Added option to make the whats app share appear only in the mobile devices. - Done the bug fixing for the issue related to the_content hook for Yoast SEO plugin. - Done the css fixes for the floating sidebar. - Done bug fixing for the category and archives page sharing. - Added the individual social media counter shortcode for social counter. - Added the API method to fetch Facebook follower count. - Twitter feeds - Fixed broken links for retweeted status. - Included image for retweeted status. - Fixed visible tweets for tweets ticker. - Added an option to configure transition speed for tweets ticker. - Fixed small bug for bxslider and lightbox js and css exclusion. - Updated http to https for both twitter profile and media image. - Fixed total_feeds parameter bug for twitter shortcode. - Done fixing for Oauth and Twitter Oauth class confict with other twitter plugin. - Added Multiple Twitter account in single feed. - Added Hashtag Twitter Tweets support. - Added Image disabling option. - Added Image width configuration option. - Added Cache Disabling option. - Fixed few bugs for slider and ticker. - Pinterest - Addition of the more language options for the native pinterest pinit button. - Updated the Isotope JS file to latest version. - Added pinterest share shortcode button. - Done the addition of SAVE Button shortcode. - Removed the color options for the pinterest save button for rectangle shape. - Social auto posts - Updated facebook authorization as per new API changes. - Added Auto Posting for WordPress Post Schedule. - Social login - Bug fixing for the disappear of the tab when opening the page by clicking from external link source. - Done the modification of the callBackUrl function to work with custom login url. - Fixed the issue appearing for the database insert error due to gender input field. - Fixed the display of the error message when user deny the authorization of the app for login. - Made the translation of the texts ready for the text “Welcome” and “Logout” that appears when the user logged in. - Now the plugin can Fetch the VK user email address requesting permission. - Fixed current page login redirect issue for VK. - Added the check for the username and if the username is empty user’s email address will be used as the username. - Added an image size width & height option for the facebook profile image. - Now a popup module will appear for the social login. Add Forget Password link for the social login with a login form. - Added an option for the login redirect link for the social login shortcode. - Fixed the issue appearing while the LinkedIn APP not authorized for login using LinkedIn. - Fixed the issues for making the plugin multisite compatible. - Now the twitter user’s email address can be fetched for new users. - Fixed the google login issue when the user doesn’t have google+ account. - Fixed the responsive issues for the registration page. - Fixed the translation issues for the registration page. - Fixed the login redirect issue for google account for current page. - Removed the bio field from the facebook data fetch field as the bio field has been depriciated for the graph API version 2.8. - Added buddypress xprofile mapping. - Added Email template design for new user notification email. - Easy Digital Download(EDD) Integration – Added the social connect buttons in checkout page, login and register shortcode. - Fixed login redirect link issue for the login form. - Fixed the user link issue for facebook and vk profile. - Done the bug fixing for the email notifications for the admin with the blank user details when user deny the app for login. - Done the modification of the user notification email function to work with wordpress version greater than 4.3.1
View older update logs here:
More WordPress Resources
Themes Compatible with the Plugin :
WP Ultimate Social works best with every WordPress theme. It’s even more remarkable when used with popular themes like VMagazine and AccessPress Parallax.
WPAll Club – A complete WordPress resources club. WordPress tutorials, blogs, curated free and premium themes and plugins, WordPress deals, offers, hosting info and more.
Premium WordPress Themes – 6 premium WordPress themes well suited for all sort of websites. Professional, well coded and highly configurable themes for you.
Premium WordPress Plugins – 45+ premium WordPress plugins of many different types. High user ratings, great quality and best sellers in CodeCanyon marketplace.
AccessPress Themes – AccessPress Themes has 50+ beautiful and elegant, fully responsive, multipurpose themes to meet your need for free and commercial basis.
8Degree Themes – 8Degree Themes offers 15+ free WordPress themes and 16+ premium WordPress themes carefully crafted with creativity.
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