WP Ultimate Team Showcase Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
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Ultmate team showcase is a most flexible and industry-leading WordPress plugin. It is built to create and manage team members with excellent multipurpose design and multiple options. It’s easy to customize and developer friendly. It is responsive and mobile friendly.
The plugin has five unique layouts and some awesome styling options. You can easily create your’s team members section on your WordPress site in a few minutes.
It has category options. You can add different team members in different categories. Then you can create multiple team shortcodes to show multiple team member grids.😎
👉 Available Layouts
- Grid Layout
- Slider Layout
- Filter Layout
- Light Box Layout
- Table Layout
👉 Available Input Fields
- Description
- Designation
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Website Link
- Address
- Short Description
- Social links (Facebook, Twitter… etc)
- Category Select
- Member Image Upload
👉 Key Features List
- Grid Layout: 7 unique grid style
- Slider Layout: 7 unique slider style
- Filter Layout: 3 unique filter style
- Light Box Layout: 4 unique light box style
- Table Layout
- Plugin team single page
- Plugin admin panel
- Shortcode generator
- Team custom post type
- Custom taxonomy
- Ultimate color selactor
- Member filter option
- Custom slug rewrite
- Taxonomy Slug Rewrite
- Change category label
- Single Template Padding option
- Enable/Disable Boostrap CSS
- Enable/Disable Fontawesome CSS
- Enable/Disable owl carousel CSS
- Enable/Disable FlexSlider CSS
- Enable/Disable magnific popup CSS
- Enable/Disable Isotope JS
- Enable/Disable owl carousel JS
- Enable/Disable FlexSlider JS
- Enable/Disable magnific popup JS
- WPML ready
- Compatible with PHP 8
- Compatible with WordPress 6.0.1
👉 Pro Features List (Coming Soon)
- Grid Layout: 17 unique grid style
- Slider Layout: 17 unique slider style
- Filter Layout: 3 unique filter style
- Light Box Layout: 4 unique light box style
- Table Layout
- Address
- Short Description
- Social links (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Youtube, Vimeo, Tiktok, Soundcloud, Pinterest, Github, Dribbble, Dropbox)
- Team Per Page
- Choose Category
- Select Column (2 Column, 3 Column, 4 Column)
- Slider Setting
- Navigation Dots Enable/Disable
- Navigation Arrow Enable/Disable
- Autoplay Enable/Disable
- Loop Enable/Disable
- Filter Setting
- Change Filter Text
- Filter Align (Left, Right, Center)
- Select Column (2Column, 3Column, 4Column)
Plugin shortcode usage
After create team shortcode
you can copy the shortcode and past into page like this:
[wp_ultimate_team_shortcode id="295"]
Shortcode PHP Usage
When you use php file try to use shortcode like this:
<?php echo do_shortcode("[wp_ultimate_team_shortcode id='295']"); ?>
WordPress version at least: 4.5 <br />
PHP version at least: 7.0
Grid Layout
Slider Layout
Filter Layout
Table Settings
Single Controls
Setting Options 1
Setting Options 2
Setting Options 3
Setting Options 4
Setting Options 5