WP YouTube Player Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WP Youtube Player allow insert Youtube videos on WordPress using a single quicktag [tube][/tube]
- Easy install
- Embed Youtube movies with simple code
- Panel for easy configuration
- Config Player version (AS2 & AS3)
- Support config themes for player
- Support HTML5 Player
- Support tubePlayer (http://blog.unijimpe.net/tubeplayer/) for play videos.
- Generate
code for Feed compatibility - Generate
code optimized for iPhone
For insert single youtube video on Post Content or Text Widget you can use ‘Youtube URL’, ‘Youtube Embed URL’ or ‘Youtube Video ID’:
To insert video with specific size can user width and height:
[tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFVlJAi3Cso, 500, 290[/tube]
To insert video on template, use the php code:
<?php wp_youtubeplayer("movie.swf", "width", "heigth"); ?>
For more information visit plugin website
Config panel.
Compatible with iPhone.
Player with
theme.Player with
theme.tubePlayer Version.