WPBakery Page Builder – Sortable Grid & Taxonomy Filter Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This addon requires WPBakery Page Builder Plugin version 4.0 or higher to be installed and activated in order to get it working. Get it here
With the help of Sortable Grid and Taxonomy Filter plugin, you can easily convert your post types archive pages into a nice looking sortable post grid with the ability for your users to change the grid layout as they want.
Loaded with tons of features, well documented and supported plugin.
Version 3.3.0 introduces the most requested feature – WPBakery Grid Builder support. Now, you can design your custom grid templates using Grid Builder and use them inside the Sortable Post Grid element.
Introducing most awaited features —
- Added 5 design templates for post grid
- Filter to add new templates from theme
- Filter to change “Filter” button text
- Filter to change “Remove Filter” button text
- New: Option to display quick view in single column
- New: Ajax enabled filters. Now posts can be filtered using ajax
Other features –
- Select source for displaying posts from either post types of categories.
- Unlimited possibilities
- Responsive grid
- Fully Customizable
- Display posts from a specific category
- Display / hide image overlay animation on hover
- Enable / disable content loading with ajax
- Change grid layout position to left and right.
- Change font size and font color of post title.
- Select grid layouts to display.
- Display pagination
- Manage which settings you want to display
- Enable / Disable ajax content loading
- Masonry Grid
- Option to pull posts from custom taxonomies
- CSS3 Animations – Now animate your grid items with stunning CSS3 animations when you scroll down.
- Custom Taxonomy Filter – You can enable custom taxonomy filter for post type grid. It will pull all registered taxonomies for that post type and will display each in dropdown so the user can easily filter what he needs.
- Ajax loaded post quick view.
Now you can set quick view for your posts. Display more detailed information for your users without visiting actual post page. - Custom HTML Input Type Selectors for taxonomy sorting.
Now, show custom selectors for taxonomy filters, like Checkboxes, Dropdowns and Radio Buttons.
Changelog –
Version 3.4.1 – December 18, 2021
- New: Filter to change the quickview content css selector to load page content in quickview - Improvement: Translations are now loading correctly - Improvement: Shortcodes in content will correctly render in the quickview - Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.2
Version 3.4.0 – July 27, 2021
- New: Option to filter posts using search - Improvement: Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder 6.7 - Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 5.8
Version 3.3.1 – May 27, 2021
- Improvement: Coding standards fixes and code cleanup
Version 3.3.0 – April 3, 2021
- New: Support for WPBakery Grid Builder - Design your custom grid templates and use inside Sortable Post Grid - Fix: JS errors causing after disabling jQuery migrate - Improvement: Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder 6.6 - Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 5.7
Version 3.2.0 – May 22, 2020
- Improvement: Updated Select2 library to the latest version - Improvement: Grid item styling when switching between grids - Improvement: Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder 6.2 - Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 5.4.x
Version 3.1.0 — Jun. 21, 2018
- Fix: custom post types not being displayed in dropdown
- Fix: Checkbox filtering doesn't work well with ajax filters
- Fix: Console errors if no masonry layout is set
- Fix: Filters are being overlapped on site width if there are multiple
- Fix: styling issue for Template 03
Version 3.0.0 — Jan. 3, 2018
- New: Added 5 design templates for post grid
- New: Filter to add new templates from the theme
- New: Filter to change "The Filter" button text
- New: Filter to change "Remove Filter" button text
- New: Option to display quick view in a single column
- New: Ajax enabled filters. Now posts can be filtered using ajax
- New: Images in the grid will have alt attribute if set
- Improvement: WPML post filter will work without issues
- Improvement: default args in the shortcode to be used as the first option in the drop-down
- Improvement: Compatibility with Latest Visual Composer
- Improvement: Compatibility with Latest WordPress
- Improvement: Styling for default grid template
- Improvement: Refactored plugin code with WP coding standards
- Fix: Load plugin text domain to make strings translatable
- Fix: Excerpt display issue
Version 2.2.0 — Sept. 5, 2016
New: Post thumbnail selection for grid images. Now you can choose the image size from the available image sizes.
Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 4.6 and Visual Composer 4.12
Improved: Quick View popup title bar.
Fixed: Meta data not displaying issue.
Fixed: Filters not displaying for blog post issue.
Version 2.1.0 — April 18, 2016
Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 4.5 and Visual Composer 4.11
Improved: Post Grid Layout css.
Fixed: Checkbox value after filter not set issue.
Fixed: Pagination and sort options clears the filter value issue.
Version 2.0.0 — October 3, 2015
Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 4.3.1 and Visual Composer 4.7
Improved: Post Grid design on frontend.
Version 1.8.0 — February 19, 2015
Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 4.1 and Visual Composer 4.4
Improved: The filter inputs now display the previously selected value as selected.
Fixed: Pagination not storing the sorted data on next page issue is fixed.
Fixed: Taxonomy count in filter showing wrong value in radio button type is fixed.
Version 1.7.6 — December 17, 2014
Fixed: Grid classes compatibility with latest version of Visual Composer.
Fixed: Taxonomy count in filter showing wrong value is now fixed.
Version 1.7.5 – November 08, 2014
Fixed: "spg_ajax" is not defined error fixed.
Improved: Quick view next / previous navigation logic improved. Now, next / previous post will be displayed only from the visible posts on the page.
Version 1.7.4 — October 12, 2014
Improved: CSS that causing middle thumbnail smaller issue.
Improved: CSS for normal grid causing the grid dis-order.
Version 1.7.3 — September 11, 2014
Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 4.0
Fixed: CSS for grid elements causing cropped image and text.
Fixed: CSS for Masonry grid. Black dots are being displayed within few themes is now fixed.
Version 1.7.2 — September 8, 2014
Fixed: CSS for grid causing small grid elements.
Fixed: CSS for large thumbnail list grid fixed.
Fixed: Taxonomies count displaying first taxonomies count now fixed.
Version 1.7.1 — September 7, 2014
Improved: CSS for grid causing the middle thumbnail to smaller.
Fixed: Taxonomy filter exclude taxonomy now works for multiple taxonomies.
Version 1.7.0 — August 18, 2014
New: Ajax loaded post quick view.
New: Custom HTML Input Type Selectors for taxonomy sorting.
Improved: Responsive CSS for Grid Items Improved.
Fixed: Grid layout CSS fixed.
Version 1.6.2 — July 15, 2014
New: Added option to display custom taxonomies in post meta.
New: Added options to exclude taxonomies from taxonomy filter and post meta.
New: Improved design layout.
Improved: Custom Taxonomies Filter Logic improved. Now, filter displays only those custom taxonomies having posts for the respective post type.
Improved: Post Logic improved to retrieve posts exactly from the applied filter.
Fixed: Grid layout switcher hover issue is now fixed.
Version 1.6.1 — July 11, 2014
Improved: Color Picker Alpha chanel now works perfectly
Fixed: options not displaying in the backend issue resolved.
Version 1.6 — July 7, 2014
New: Added CSS3 grid loading animations
New: Added option to hide date from display in frontend
New: Added option to enable / disable the post count in brackets in custom taxonomy filter dropdown
Fixed: Padding issue in Grid Items
Version 1.5.1 — June 5, 2014
Improved: Post excerpt now checks for the excerpt in post meta before pulling it from the content.
Improved: CSS for list layout and filter button position
Fixed: Pagination now works on the homepage.
Fixed: Post title issue when used on frontend.
Version 1.5.0 — May 28, 2014
Improved: Added ability to filter posts with multiple taxonomies.
Improved: Added button to remove the applied filters.
Improved: Added option to display custom message if the filter query return no results.
Version 1.4.0 — May 25, 2014
New: Added - Custom taxonomy filter for custom post type grid
Improved: Plugin backend interface visual improvements
Improved: Responsive CSS for Mobile Devices
Version 1.3.0 — April 27, 2014
New: Added - Masonry Grid Layout
New: Added option to choose posts from Custom Taxonomies
Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 3.9
Improved: AJAX loading on pagination
Improved: Documentation Updated with latest options configuration instructions
Fixed: Sort options being hidden on mobile devices problem now fixed
Version 1.2.1 — April 13, 2014
Fixed: Custom length and custom read more text not working in excerpt issue fixed
Fixed: Filter Icons not changing their position respect to the settings issue fixed
Version 1.2.0 — April 13, 2014
New: Added option to disable tooltip on hover. This will remove the tooltip js from the page.
New: Added option to set custom read more text
New: Added option to disable Ascending & Descending Sort option
Improved: Pagination function re-written to display next, previous, first and last page links with the range of page no.s.
Improved: CSS classes now prefixed with 'spg-' to avoid conflicts with other plugins and themes.
Fixed: Sorting selector will no longer displayed if no sort option is selected.
Version 1.1.0 — April 8, 2014
New: Added posts from category option to display posts from a specific category
New: Added option to display / hide image overlay animation on hover
New: Added option to enable / disable content loading with ajax
New: Added option to change grid layout position to left and right.
New: Added option to Change font size and font color of the post title.
New: Added option to select grid layouts to display.
Fixed: Image hover overlay height issue.
Fixed: Undefined variable `$style_link` error
Version 1.0.0 — April 5, 2014
- Initial Release