WPHelpere Knowledge Base For WordPress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

WPHelpere Knowledge Base For WordPress Plugin Preview - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

WPHelpere is a Knowledge Base WordPress plugin which supports for multiple products or services in a single WordPress install.

WPHelpere is a super crafted knowledge base for WordPress plugin to create a self-service platform for your customers. WPHelpere is the best and suitable plugin to provide knowledge base support for your multiple products as well as for a single product.

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WPML Compatible

Officially certified by WPML

Test drive Knowledge Base WordPress plugin

Addition of unlimited Products and Categories is effortless in WPHelppere and article management is much more effective. Optimized codebase, URL structure, and finely designed content system of WPHelpere will be a greater support for your KB articles to achieve better rank in the search engine results.

Optimized Ajax live search helps your customers to get instant results. No coding knowledge is required to build a Knowledgebase when you have the power of WPHelpere. The responsiveness of WPHelpere leverage to your customers to access contents of knowledgebase through all devices. WPHelpere fits perfectly for all your needs from a small niche product to complex products.

WPHelpere Features
WPHelpere articles Sorting
WPHelpere knowledge base analytics

All Features

  • Create Knowledege base system for Multiple Products and Services
  • Supports Single Product or Service also
  • 3 Products showcase layouts
  • Create multiple Categories
  • AJAX Live search
  • Create FAQs for each products or services
  • Drag and Drop Product Sorting feature
  • Drag and Drop Category Sorting feature
  • Drag and Drop Topics Sorting for each Categories
  • Article private feedback
  • 1800+ Font Icons included
  • Ajax based Topics voting
  • Articles Analytics and Reports
  • RTL Support
  • Translation Ready
  • WPML Support
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Dedicated Knowledge base
  • More features are brewing…

WPHelpere Knowledge base features


Changelog 3.0.2 - 12 Aug, 2022
* Fixed: Category sorting bug in single product single level KB type.

Changelog 3.0.1 - 26 July, 2022
* New: Option to turn off WPH typography in the topic content area.

Changelog 3.0.0 - 08 July, 2022
* Default WordPress layout for Products and categories creation. It makes simple to understand
  the products and categories structure and allows to create products and categories from same page. 
  Allows simple KB setup.
* New: Enable/disable icons sets for faster page loads.
* Fixed: Icons in other translated languages are not shown.
* Now works better with the WPML plugin and WPML is officially certified.

Changelog 2.1.5 - 03 Feb, 2022
* Fixed: Custom color settings not applied to Table of Contents feature.
* Fixed: Hidden TOC sidebar widget for mobile view as Toc in the main content
  serves the purpose
* Fixed: Responsive display for breadcrumb navigation.

Changelog 2.1.4 - 06 Jan, 2022
* Fixed: Function name conflict with WPHide and security enhancer plugin
* Fixed: Number of latest topics view setting error.
* Fixed: Javascript error notice.

Changelog 2.1.3 - 30 Nov, 2021
* Improved compatibility for displaying products and sorting feature with WPML
  under multiple languages.

Changelog 2.1.2 - 20 Nov, 2021
* Improved CSS.

Changelog 2.1.1 - 4 Oct, 2021
* Added WPML compatibility.

Changelog 2.1 - 25 Sep, 2021
* New: New template style added for documentation post type.

Changelog 2.0 - 14 Sep, 2021
* New: Documentation post type added.
* New: Option to show/hide Product buttons KB, FAQ and Doc posts.
* New: Option to show/hide Back to home link in the breadcrumb navigation.
* New: Option to show/hide Read more link in Products front page layout.
* New: Additional styles added for Table of contents navigation links
  no bullets, bullet list and numbers list.
* Fixed: Custom placeholder text not showing on categories and single post.
* Fixed: Sub-category not showing in breadcrumb for single product multi-level 
  categories type
* Improved css.

Changelog 1.2.13 - 4 July, 2021
* New: Option to set custom number of latest articles to show under each Products
  can Categories.
* Improved shortcodes generator coding.

Changelog 1.2.12 - 20 Jun, 2021
* New: Option to add custom Search placeholder text.
* New: Option to add custom title for Table of contents.

Changelog 1.2.11 - 20 Jun, 2021
* New: Users can give private feedback to the articles.

Changelog 1.2.10 - 11 Jun, 2021
* New: Option to set custom background and text color for Ajax search highlights.
* New: Submit ticket description box can now process WordPress shortcodes.
* Fixed: Load more posts not working on category posts in single product mode.
* Fixed: Ajax search issue in KB home template in single product mode.
* Fixed: Category posts count error.

Changelog 1.2.9 - 31 May, 2021
* New: Search box included in article single page also.
* CSS improvements to the grids.

Changelog 1.2.8 - 23 Mar, 2021
* New: Automatic Table of contents generation for single post topic.
* New: Collapsible sidebar topics list.
* New: Enlighter syntax highlighter integration.
* CSS improvements.

Changelog 1.2.7 - 19 Feb, 2021
* New: Import/Sync WooCommerce products to WPHelpere products.
* Enhanced options for hiding/showing breadcrumb, sidebar and voting per each topic.

Changelog 1.2.6 - 14 Feb, 2021
* New: Hide breadcrumb, sidebar and voting per each topic.
* New: Added option to write custom heading, description and link to your ticket  system.
* New: Automatic addition of KB pages and demo topics upon WPHelpere setup.
* Improved css for frontend.

Changelog 1.2.5 - 2 Feb, 2021
* New: Simplified grouping for FAQs for placing FAQ groups in any place or pages.
* New: Added option to show articles count for each categories.

Changelog 1.2.4 - 5 Jan, 2021
* New: Added options to set custom text for Like and dislike buttons.
* Fixed: Color picker issue in call to action widget.
* Improved options framework for options tab selection.

Changelog 1.2.3 - 28 Dec, 2020
* New: New Knowledge base type added (Single level categories).
* New: Option to reconfigure knowledge base type added.
* New: Option show/hide sidebar on single topic page.
* New: Field for adding dedicated short description to Search results.
* Improved css styles.

Changelog 1.2.2 - 19 Dec, 2020
* New: Top viewed topics widget added.
* New: Top rated topics widget added
* New: Call to Action Widget added.
* New: Improved WordPress shortcodes for Products and Categories.
* Fixed: Icon picker display error corrected.

Changelog 1.2.1 - 30 Nov, 2020
* Fixed: css improvements

Changelog 1.2 - 29 Nov, 2020
* New: Knowledge base Reports and Analytics feature added.
* New: Topics views feature added.
* New: Widget to list Most viewed topics under each products and categories.
* New: 2 new (Circle product image and Centered icon) products display styles added.
* Fixed: Product image not added when creating new product.
* Fixed: Load more posts ajax unwanted request on category page.
* Compressed css and js files for faster loading.

Changelog 1.0.1 - 16 Nov, 2020
* New: Added Icon style and Circle image style options for Products/Services catalog.
* New: Added option to add link to support ticket system in article single page.
* Improved plugin setup process.

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