WpMathPublisher Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WpMathPublish is a plugin that offers wordpress authors the funtion to convert mathematical equations into graphics being displayed in pages and blogentries.
To do so, it uses the PhpMathPublisher-Libary, which has been modifies to work with wordpress.
Using it is just as simple as that:
Mathematical equations that are meant to be shown as such have to be put in [math]-tags using your favorite wordpress-editor ([math]equation[/math]). The plugin automatically converts the equations into graphics, which will be saved in your wordpress installtion in order to be generated only once. A small overview over its functions is integrated in the admin menu as well
Attention: Previous versions of this plugin used [m]-tags instead of the [math]-tags. These still are supported, but i thought it was much nicer to have [math]-tags
Currently it supports the following features:
- Basic function: Convert equations into graphics
- Font and background color can be chosen by you in the admin panel (alpha-transparency included, but if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer you will need version 7 or greater to display the images correctly)
- Font size default value can be set, but also changed for every single image if necessary
- If you just want to output a formula there is a “noparse” attribute that will output the pure text nicely formatted
- Saves the images on the webspace, which saves processor time
- Clear image cache and let all images be regenerated by admin panel
- Integration in TinyMCE editor
To configure the plugin there is an easy to use admin panel page (since v0.3.1).
Here you can change the the color by using a javascript color picker, and the transparency value for the graphic
Furthermore you can choose a default font-size used for the images
There are probably quite a lot people who do not know the PhpMathPublisher commands, so here you go.
The plugin ist currently available in
- English (default)
- German (translated by me)
- Belorussian (by Marcis G)
- Romanian (by Web Hosting Geeks)
The admin menu in version 0.3, using wordpress 2.3
A rendered formula, using plugin version 0.3; colors have been configured