YML Dump On-line Shop Content Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Plugin BG_YML_DUMP to YML Dump WordPress + Woocommerce on-line shop content. YML (Yandex Markup Language) is formalized by Yandex XML subset. It’s utilized to dump on-line shop content (categories and products) and then load it to Yandex Market and some other partner program. You can get detais here https://www.stseprounof.org/yml-dump-wordpress-woocommerce-on-line-shop-content/
During dump process:
- header is created with online shop name, company name, web-design agency name, web-designer email address, which are taken from plugin settings;
- currency section is created. The main currency will be taken from Woocommerce settings and it’s rate is 1. If online shop works for different countries, those countries currencies will be included to this section and rates will be according Central (National) bank of the country, issues main currency;
- category section is created. If a category is a child one, the parent category will be included;
- all products is dumped;
- one can include to the dump only some of product categories or exclude some of them.
You may choose via plugin administrative page:
- Product categories You want to include/exclude
- Max number of images for each product
- Whether to expand product variations or not
- Whether to print full hierarchy of categories or not
- Whether to dump items or variations, which are not on stock at the moment
== Changelog ==
v 2.3.0 from 16 jul 2016
- Added new belorussian rubles BYN
- Different variants of the one article can now have different prices
v 2.2.3 from 21 mar 2015
- Fixed warning messages
v 2.2.2 from 15 dec 2015
- Fixed admin page problem
v 2.2.1 from 09 dec 2015
- Fixed dump variations, which are not on stock at the moment
v 2.2.0 from 01 dec 2015
- Added control on printing items or variations, which are not on stock at the moment
v 2.1.3 from 22 nov 2015
- Fixed number of images in the YML;
- Fixed dependency between tabs in the plugin admin page
v 2.1.2 from 21 nov 2015
- added variation parameters list to variation URL;
v 2.1.1 from 16 nov 2015
- fixed missing parameter $needed_cats;
- added image for variation as first image link for variation dump;
v 2.1.0 from 16 nov 2015
- added new option – extend variation products to separate variation;
v 2.0.1 from 15 jun 2015
- added filter to dump non standard product information;
- fixed bag with displaing categories;
- translated placeholder in category selector.
v 2.0 from 31 may 2015
- changed version numeration;
- added possibility to dump hierarchical category in <typePrefix> tag;
- added checkbox to plugin options page to turn on/off dump hierarchical category;
- added max. number images URL per product dump;
- added number input files to plugin options page to enter max. number images URL;
- added category restrictions (include/exclude) to YML product dump;
- added checkbox to plugin options page to turn on/off category restrictions;
- added js script to control category restrictions options visibility depending on checkbox;
- added include/exclude categories radio button to plugin options page;
- added product category input field as it made in woocommerce plugin;
- completely rebuild pot file;
- completely rebuild messages translation to Russian;
- plugin module splited to two files, and admin file is only loaded in case of admin dashboard;
- plugin options page splited to two tabs