Zamango Page Navigation Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Zamango Page Navigation creates pagebar on lists (for ex. on category or search results) and Next Post & Previous Post links on each post.
Zamango Page Navigation plugin inserts customizable pagebars into your WordPress, allowing reader to reach page # X in one click. Also it features quick links on single post (to previous and next posts).
Main features of Zamango Page Navigation:
- Pagebar of quick links on a lists (like index, category, tag or archive and etc.)
- Pagebar of links to next and previous posts
- Independently show/hide pagebar in the beginning and end of page
- Highly customizable appearance (style and content) by using of simple HTML and CSS
- Independent amount of links in left, central and right parts of pagebar
- Other options which make plugin’s behaviour very customizable for any website needs
The main reason to develop the plugin was absence of any plugin of such functionality and stable on modern WordPress builds, so we was obliged to make it for storefronts build by Zamango Money Extractor plugin. But we hope that Zamango Page Navigation will be helpful to other WordPress users.
Classical WordPress theme contains quick links on a post page but due to creator’s joke or mistake quick links of all posts does not make a linear scheme. For example if you click on “next” link and then to “previous link” it’s highly possible that you will not return to original post. Such small thing can break internal website linking and pagerank allocation.
Page bar customization for lists (index, search results, category, archive or tags browsing)
Page bar customization for single posts
You may customize CSS right from Wordpress admin panel