ZodiacPress Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

ZodiacPress Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

ZodiacPress is the first WordPress plugin that lets you generate astrology birth reports with your custom interpretations, directly on your site.

This is not an embedded script that pulls astrology data from another astrology site. ZodiacPress turns your site into an astrology report press. Your astrology interpretations reside on your own site, and the reports are created on your own site. The Swiss Ephemeris is included inside.

The birth report includes three parts:

  1. Planets and Points in The Signs
  2. Planets and Points in The Houses
  3. Aspects

You can choose which planets and aspects to include in the birth report.

You can add an optional Intro and Closing to the birth report.

You have the option to allow people with unknown birth times to generate basic natal reports. These reports with unknown times would omit time-sensitive points (i.e. Moon, Ascendant, etc.) and the Houses section.

The Planets in Houses section of the report will tell you if you have a planet in one house, but conjunct the next house (within 1.5 degrees orb; orb can be modified with a filter).

Technical Details

ZodiacPress gets birth place latitude/longitude coordinates from the GeoNames geographical database which uses the latest revision of World Geodetic System (WGS 84).

ZodiacPress uses the Swiss Ephemeris (under GNU GPLv2) to get the longitude of the planets/celestial bodies.

ZodiacPress uses the tropical zodiac.


Much effort has been made to internationalize even the digits (numbers, years, and other integers in the plugin). On the birth report form, the month and day fields will switch places according to your date settings. Suggestions regarding i18n are welcome.

Important Note For Sites That Use Windows Hosting

If your website uses Windows hosting, you’ll need to use the ZodiacPress Windows Server plugin for the birth reports to be generated correctly.

See the full ZodiacPress documentation.


  1. zodiacpress screenshot 1

    This is how the Planets in Signs part of the report will look with interpretations.

  2. zodiacpress screenshot 2

    This is how the Planets in Signs part of the report looks if you don’t enter any interpretations.

  3. zodiacpress screenshot 3

    This is how the Planets in Houses will look with interpretations.

  4. zodiacpress screenshot 4

    This is how the Planets in Houses looks if you don’t enter any interpretations.

  5. zodiacpress screenshot 5

    This is how the Aspects section of the report will look with interpretations.

  6. zodiacpress screenshot 6

    This is how the Aspects section looks if you don’t enter any interpretations.

  7. zodiacpress screenshot 7

    The ZodiacPress admin page where you enter and save your custom natal interpretations

  8. zodiacpress screenshot 8

    The form to generate a birth report. The month and day fields will switch places according to your local date settings.

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