Ad King Pro Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Stay up-to-date with the latest by following @kingproplugins on Twitter, KingProPlugins on Facebook or King Pro Plugins on Google+
Ad King Pro allows you to easily manage and track, via Google Analytics, your on-site advertising. Upload your banner/flash banner/adsense code/text, add the link its to go to then
your ready to go. Set it to start and end at a certain time if needed. Ad King Pro can be placed into any page or post by using the shortcode. It can also be placed directly into
theme files if need be. Create types and assign multiple banners to randomly show one on every page refresh, define a category to display in
a specific spot, even define a particular ad to display. Want to show multiple on a single page, no problem, change the ‘render’ attribute to
the amount you are after. Want those to then rotate on the spot? Got you covered. Turn the ‘rotate’ attribute to ‘true’ and your ads will fade between each other.
- Easily manage banners globally
- Track impressions and clicks in your Google Analytics account
- Supports images, flash, adsense, HTML iframe and text as an “advert”
- Schedule start and end times
- Shortcode available
- Display options include single display, randomised display and rotate display
Thanks to the team at Web Hosting Hub for providing the two translations for this plugin:
– Spanish
– Serbian
If you have any suggestions or would like to see a feature in the plugin, please let me know in the support forum.
Any issues you are having, I’d also love to know, so again, please let me know using the support forum.
Check out the King Pro Plugins range
How To Use
Use Shortcodes
Shortcodes can be used in any page or post on your site. By default:
is defaulting to the advert type ‘Sidebar’ and randomly chosing from that. You can define your own advert type and display the adverts attached to that type by:
[adkingpro type=”your-advert-type-slug”]
Alternatively, you can display a single advert by entering its “Banner ID” which can be found in the table under the Adverts section:
[adkingpro banner=”{banner_id}”]
Have a select few adverts that you’d like to show? No problem, just specify the ids separated by commas:
[adkingpro banner=”{banner_id1}, {banner_id2}”]
Want to output a few adverts at once? Use the ‘render’ option in the shortcode:
[adkingpro banner=”{banner_id1}, {banner_id2}” render=’2′]
[adkingpro type=”your-advert-type-slug” render=’2′]
Only have a small space and what a few adverts to display? Turn on the auto rotating slideshow!:
[adkingpro type=”your-advert-type-slug” rotate=’true’]
There are also some settings you can play with to get it just right:
– Effect: “fade | slideLeft | none” Default – fade
– Pause Speed: “Time in ms” Default – 5000 (5s)
– Change Speed: “Time in ms” Default – 600 (0.6s)
Use one or all of these settings:
[adkingpro rotate=’true’ effect=”fade” speed=”5000″ changespeed=”600″]
To add this into a template, just use the “do_shortcode” function:
<?php if (function_exists(‘adkingpro_func’)) echo do_shortcode(“[adkingpro]”); ?>
Having Trouble? Get support either on the support forums here or at @kingproplugins on Twitter, KingProPlugins on Facebook or King Pro Plugins on Google+
Edit screen with all the options you’ll ever need
Settings screen ensuring your system is set up for tracking