Azurecurve Mobile Detection Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
Plugin providing shortcodes and functions to allow different content to be served to different types of device (Desktop, Tablet, Phone); also includes checks on types of device (iOS, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone) and mobile browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, WebKit).
The following shortcodes are available:
* ismobile
* isnotmobile
* isphone
* isnotphone
* istablet
* isnottablet
* isios
* isiphone
* isipad
* isandroid
* iswindowsphone (alternative shortcode iswp)
* iswindowsmobile (alternative shortcode iswinmo)
* ischrome
* isfirefox
* isie
* isopera
* iswebkit
* istv
* isconsole
All shortcodes available as functions with an azc_md prefix for calling from themes, other plugins, etc. For example, is_mobile available as function azc_md_is_mobile.
Uses PHP Mobile Detect class, the lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets), from
This plugin is multisite compatible.
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