BbPress Search Widget Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Great Helper Tool for bbPress 2.3+ 😉
This small and lightweight plugin is pretty much like the regular, packaged bbPress search widget but just offers up to 13 awesome options for you! For example, easily change the search, placeholder and button texts. Also, set visibility options or add optional intro/ outro texts. — How awesome is that?! 🙂
Just drag the widget to your favorite widget area and enjoy to have a customized forum-limited search function for your bbPress install ;-).
Since v2.0.0 you can also use the Shortcode
anywhere Shortcodes are supported. New feature is also the widgetized content area for forum search that brings no results. Now you can customize this status to your liking and are no longer dependent of the (lame) default string. — Futher, the plugin is also fully Multisite compatible, you can also network-enable it if ever needed (per site use is recommended).
- Improved search results display for themes and bbPress post type detection/restriction.
- Easily change text strings via Widget options.
- Easily set visibility via Widget options.
- I added two new – fully optional – text fields: “Intro text” and “Outro text” to display for example additional (support) forum or user instructions. Just leave blank to not use them!
- Shortcode
to have bbPress Forum specific search box anywhere Shortcodes are supported. (See FAQ here for the supported parameters.) - Widgetized “Not found” content area when bbPress Forum search has no results — very handy, as you can customize this page now!
- Added more ways to customize the widget appearance: 3 filters for the search label/ search placeholder/ search button text as well as a constant to conditionally remove the search label.
- Improved translation loading.
- Fully internationalized, including help texts! Also, fully WPML compatible!
- Fully Multisite compatible, you can also network-enable it if ever needed (per site use is recommended, depending on bbPress usage).
- Tested with WordPress branches 3.5+ and upcoming 3.6 – also in debug mode (no stuff there, ok? 🙂
- Also, clean, well-documented code with security and coding standards in mind 🙂
Useful for/ Use Cases
- Preferred over built-in widget because of more options & flexibility!
- Support forums because you can setup visibility options and intro/ outro texts, great for extra instructions or info.
- With provided Shortcode you get even more display options on your site and so can improve the overall user experience of your forum/ site.
- Restricting search widget to only logged in users is possible with 1-click! 🙂
- Must-have feature: Easily customizing the “no results” status for forum searches via Widgets. This helps users stay on your site and you can offer useful options for this “edge case”. Especially very handy for support forums etc. — In general: improved user experience!
- English (default) – always included
- German (de_DE) – always included
- Spanish (es_ES) – user-submitted – 28% complete for v2.0.0 🙂
- French (fr_FR) – user-submitted – 22% complete for v2.0.0 🙂
- .pot file (
) for translators is also always included 🙂 - Easy plugin translation platform with GlotPress tool: Translate “bbPress Search Widget”…
- Your translation? – Just send it in
A plugin from and GenesisThemes
- I am open for your suggestions and feedback – Thank you for using or trying out one of my plugins!
- Drop me a line @deckerweb on Twitter
- Follow me on my Facebook page
- Or follow me on +David Decker on Google Plus 😉
Tips & More
- Plugin tip: My bbPress Toolbar / Admin Bar plugin — a great time safer and helper tool 🙂
- Also see my other plugins or see my profile page
- Tip: GenesisFinder – Find then create. Your Genesis Framework Search Engine.
bbPress Search Widget: the extended search widget with its options. (Click here for larger version of screenshot)
bbPress Search Widget: the new widgetized not found content area in Widgets admin. (Click here for larger version of screenshot)
bbPress Search Widget in a sidebar: default state (shown here with the free Autobahn Child Theme for Genesis Framework). (Click here for larger version of screenshot)
bbPress Search Widget in a sidebar: custom intro and outro text shown – all parts can by styled individually, just see FAQ section here for custom CSS styling. (Click here for larger version of screenshot)
bbPress Search Widget: widgetized content area in action, when forum search returned no results. (Click here for larger version of screenshot)
bbPress Search Widget: plugin help tab system. (Click here for larger version of screenshot)