CellarWeb Multisite Site Notes And Site Expire Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin allows the multi-site administrator to automatically expire a site on a specific date. This is useful for subsites that require regular payments to keep the site active.
If your multisite has a yearly subscription, for example, then you can set a subsite (blog) to automatically expire on a certain date – say one year plus a ‘grace’ period. If the next subscription payment is not received by that date, then the site will automatically be ‘deleted’ from public view. (A ‘deleted’ site’s data is still available and can be ‘un-deleted’ by the super-admin by changing the site expiration date. A ‘deleted’ site is not purged.)
Once the subscription payment is made, it is easy to change the expiration date.
There is a setting to specify the ‘redirect’ URL for deleted sites. You could set this URL to a ‘that site is no longer available’ page on your main site (or any site). By default, the redirect will go to your site’s 404 page.
There is also a ‘notes’ area where you can put site notes.
All settings are via a ‘Notes’ tab on the Edit Site screen, which is only available to the super-admin. Blogs (sub-sites) do not see any of these settings. There is a Settings page for the plugin, but it is only information about the plugin settings. All settings are done via the Network, Sites, Edit Site page.
The networks’ “main” site only displays the “Notes” textarea, as you don’t want your main site to expire.
The Network, Sites screen, showing an expired site.
The “Notes” settings page, available only on the Network, Sites, Edit Site screen.