Codestar Framework – A Simple And Lightweight WordPress Option Framework For Themes And Plugins - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Codestar Framework – A Simple And Lightweight WordPress Option Framework For Themes And Plugins Preview - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
5 Average out of 27 ratings
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Plugin Description

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Welcome to the exciting world of Codestar Framework!

A Simple and Lightweight WordPress Option Framework. Built in Object Oriented Programming paradigm with high number of custom fields and tons of options. Allows you to bring custom admin, metabox, taxonomy and customize settings to all of your pages, posts and categories. It’s highly modern and advanced framework.

DocumentationSupport ForumChangelog

Admin Option Framework

Admin Option Framework

Metabox Option Framework

Metabox Option Framework

Customize Option Framework

Customizer Option Framework

Taxonomy Option Framework

Taxonomy Option Framework

Profile Option Framework

Profile Option Framework

Widget Option Framework

Widget Option Framework

Comment Metabox Framework

Comment Metabox Framework

Shortcode Generate Framework

Shortcode Generate Framework

Latest Reviews

Latest Reviews

Key Features

  • WordPress 6.4.x Ready
  • Gutenberg Ready
  • Multiple instances
  • Unlimited frameworks
  • Output css styles
  • Output typography
  • Advanced option fields
  • Fields dependencies based on rules
  • Sanitize and validate fields
  • Supports child themes
  • Ajax saving
  • Localization
  • Useful hooks for configurations
  • Export and import options
  • Well documentation
  • and much more…

Available Option Fields

  • Accordion
  • Background
  • Backup
  • Border
  • Button Set
  • Checkbox
  • Code Editor
  • Color
  • Color Group
  • Date
  • Dimensions
  • Fieldset
  • Gallery
  • Group
  • Icon
  • Image Select
  • Link Color
  • Media
  • Palette
  • Radio
  • Repeater
  • Select
  • Slider
  • Sortable
  • Sorter
  • Spacing
  • Spinner
  • Switcher
  • Tabbed
  • Text
  • Textarea
  • Typography
  • Upload
  • WP Editor
  • Others


Take a look to online documentation. If you need any support visit to support forum.

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Update History

Version 2.3.1

Added: PHP 8.x compatible.
Added: WordPress 6.4 compatible.
Fixed: PHP 8.x deprecated notices.

Version 2.3.0

Added: WordPress 6.2 compatible.

Version 2.2.8

Fixed: Free vs Pro version load priority conflict.

Version 2.2.7

Added: Number field "min", "max", "step" options.
Updated: Google Web Fonts array added new fonts.
Updated: JS libraries (codemirror, leaflet, etc).
Improved: Group field "custom title and prefix" option (samples added).
Improved: Some JS and CSS coding.

Version 2.2.7

Added: WordPress 5.9 compatible.
Added: New field "DateTime" both date and time option.
Improved: Some JS and CSS coding.

Version 2.2.6

Added: WordPress 5.9 compatible.
Added: New field "DateTime" both date and time option.
Improved: Some JS and CSS coding.

Version 2.2.5

Added: Dependency new "contains" condition feature.
Fixed: Admin bar menu show in for non-admin capabilities.
Updated: Google Web Fonts array added 300+ new fonts.
Updated: "Font Awesome 5 Free" package and added new icons.
Updated: JS libraries (codemirror, leaflet, etc).
Improved: "Shortcode" and "Icon" modal popups responsive css.
Improved: Usage anywhere framework fields.

Version 2.2.4

Added: WordPress 5.8 compatible.
Fixed: Widget Framework after WP 5.8 block-based widgets issue.
Fixed: Shortcode Framework "E"lementor" php8 error throw issue.
Updated: Google Web Fonts array.
Updated: "Font Awesome 5 Free" package and added new icons.
Updated: JS libraries (codemirror, leaflet, etc).
Improved: Some js and css coding.

Version 2.2.3

Added: Upload field show "preview" option.
Added: "description" option for all framework create sections array.
Fixed: Option Framework admin sub-menu link click issue on Mobile.

Version 2.2.2

Added: WordPress 5.7 compatible.
Fixed: Spinner field unit issue in repeater fields.
Fixed: Media field svg preview issue.
Updated: Google Web Fonts array.
Updated: "Font Awesome 5 Free" package and added new icons.
Updated: JS libraries (codemirror, leaflet, etc).
Improved: Mobile device styles.
Improved: Multiple instances for avoid potential conflicts.
Improved: Callback field for class method calls.

Version 2.2.1

Added: Metabox sections can be show by specific post_type option.
Added: Inline tabs style for Metabox and Options Frameworks.
Added: Nav menu "locations" select field options.
Fixed: Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Improved: Path-finder function for fix issue missing styles.

Version 2.2.0

Added: Output feature for Taxonomy Framework fields.
Fixed: Option Framework first section "restore" issue.
Fixed: Link field open dialog issue.
Updated: Google Web Fonts array.
Updated: JS libraries (codemirror, leaflet, etc).
Updated: "Font Awesome 5 Free" package and added new icons.
Improved: Typography field enqueue methods.

Version 2.1.9

Added: New field "link" using wplink.
Added: Image field "inline" list style.
Improved: Data sanitization and escaping.
Improved: RTL styles.

Version 2.1.8

Added: Localized 20+ languages support.
Improved: Group/Repeater nested usage feature.
Improved: Font Awesome 4 package usage.
Updated: "Font Awesome 5 Free" package and added new icons.
Updated: Google Web Fonts array.
Fixed: Shortcode Framework usage inside plugin issue.
Fixed: Spinner and Slider field fractional numbers step validation issue.

Version 2.1.7

Fixed: Sortable field append new fields after saved issue.
Fixed: Customizer dependency issue after v2.1.6 update.
Fixed: Typography field "Normal 400" style embed issue.
Updated: Assets library (csf.css to style.css, csf.js to main.js).
Improved: Sanitize/Validate callback method.
Improved: Global dependency feature.

Version 2.1.6

Added: Nav Menu Option Framework (bonus).
Added: Section "class" paramter for Admin, Metabox Option Frameworks.
Added: Fields with output css feature can be used in Accordion, Tabbed and Fieldset fields.
Added: Visible dependency instead of hiding.
Fixed: Background field gradient transparent issue.
Improved: Admin Option Framework tab anchors (#tab-1,2 etc.) with the actual tab names.
Improved: Data sanitization and escaping.
Improved: All of framework scripts and styles loads only when needed.
Improved: Output css feature and documentation.
Improved: Network menus and options integration.
Improved: Google web fonts load method.
Improved: Some js and css coding.

Version 2.1.5

Added: Sub menu item title argument for Option Framework.
Added: A parameter "sanitize => false" for allow to script/iframe or any html code.
Fixed: A few bugs fixed caused by sanitize have been.
Fixed: Output CSS sanitize issue.
Updated: "Font Awesome 5 Free" package and added new icons.
Improved: Data sanitization and escaping.

Version 2.1.4

Added: "Font Awesome 5 Free" package for "Icon" field ( v4 is still can be used ).
Added: "Button Set" field custom options types like "Select" field categories, pages etc.
Added: New field "callback". This field allows to make custom html output with a function.
Added: Data sanitization and escaping for all framework attributes/data.
Fixed: Backup field and Ajax-save stripslashes issue.
Improved: Form warning message on reset button.
Improved: Map search field autocomplete (caching same requests in typing).

Version 2.1.3

Added: New field "map".
Added: Quick save (ctrl+s,command+s) for Option Framework.
Added: Form warning when changed any option for Option Framework.
Fixed: Output CSS twice times issue.
Updated: Google Web Fonts array.
Updated: Customizer Framework samples.
Improved: Background field for auto hide/show background attributes.

Version 2.1.2

Added: WP 5.3 "Kirk" UI compatibility.
Added: Comment Metabox Framework (bonus).
Added: New field "number".
Fixed: Media field dependency issue.
Fixed: Button set field default selected issue.
Fixed: Select field empty message issue.
Fixed: Multiple chosen select issue in Shortcode Framework.
Fixed: Checkbox field confict with Repeater and Group field issue.
Fixed: Image Select and Multiple Checkbox fields refresh issue in Customize Framework.

Version 2.1.1

Added: Chosen select AJAX search option.
Added: Chosen select sortable option.
Added: Chosen select keep options order.
Added: Users select field options.
Fixed: Single shortcode insert issue.
Fixed: Taxonomy Framework multiple save issue.
Fixed: Widgets Framework chosen select save issue.
Fixed: Chosen multiple select refresh issue in Customizer.
Fixed: Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Version 2.1.0

Added: SSL protocol control for library files.
Added: SCSS style files to main files again.
Fixed: Default value issue in Taxonomy Framework.
Fixed: Customize option refresh/save issue in existing customizer section.

Version 2.0.9

Added: Framework fields support for predefined customizer sections.
Fixed: Metabox save php notices when using "serialize" and "unserialize" in same time.
Fixed: Multiple instances save data issue.
Fixed: Spacing field all_icon parameter.
Fixed: Admin options show in customizer parameter "show_in_customizer".
Improved: Media field specific type of uploads.
Improved: Spacing and dimensions fields unit parameter.
Improved: "empty_message" parameter for checkbox, radio and select fields.

Version 2.0.8

Added: Framework wrapper classname param as "class" for override css styles.
Added: Checkbox and Radio field group option like Select field group.
Added: Attachment post type metabox support.
Fixed: Auto-filled issue for framework search input.
Fixed: Spacing field refresh issue in Customizer.
Fixed: Radio field checked issue in category id select.
Fixed: Metabox single option save issue.
Fixed: Metabox wp editor loaded issue.
Improved: Dependency hide/show for a text field after the value is written.
Improved: Dependency parameter for multiple conditions.

Version 2.0.7

Added: Profile Options Framework (bonus).
Added: Media field fallback function for easy migration from v1.x to v2.x.
Fixed: A minor PHP notice in the Shortcode Generate Framework.
Improved: Link Color field output for given array elements.
Improved: Elementor integration for Shortcode Generate Framework.
Improved: Backup field UI fallback in the Customize Framework.
Improved: Global dependency controls.

Version 2.0.6

Added: Default values from a external array as optional for all frameworks.
Added: Widget Title sync support in Widgets Framework.
Added: WP Roles select field options.
Fixed: Initialization issue inside after_theme_setup action.
Fixed: Backup export button issue.
Fixed: WP Media uploaded item selected issue.
Improved: Reset and Import UI messages in the Customize Framework.
Improved: Translation .POT file.
Improved: Global dependency controls.

Version 2.0.5

Added: Dependency controls for among separate sections fields.
Added: Border field new border style properties.
Added: Taxonomy Framework section title param.
Fixed: Metabox section title issue.
Fixed: Typography refresh issue in Customizer.
Fixed: Group and Repeater fields without title parameter.
Fixed: Color field default issue in Background, Typography, Border fields.
Fixed: RevSlider CodeMirror conflict.
Fixed: Shortcode Generate Framework Group/Repeater nested issue.

Version 2.0.4

Added: Dark and Light themes.
Added: New params to change on/off texts for Switcher field.
Added: Shortcode generate framework support for Elementor text editor.
Fixed: Sortable and Sorter fields ordering save issue in Customizer.
Fixed: Radio, Button Set and Image Select fields issue in Group field.
Fixed: Color picker default/clear button issue in Customizer.
Improved: RTL style of framework.
Improved: Media and Upload fields remove buttons.
Improved: Framework style css.
Changed: Backup field data type "json" instead of "serialize".

Version 2.0.3

Added: Widget Options Framework (bonus).
Added: Nested Group support.
Added: Nested Repeater support.
Added: Spanish Translation po/mo.
Added: Date range "from" and "to" for Date field.
Added: New param "empty_message" if options not provided for Select, Checkbox, Radio.
Fixed: Metabox framework php notices in 404 page etc.
Fixed: WP Editor field save issue.
Improved: Validate email function.
Improved: Group field arguments.
Improved: Font-Awesome library.
Improved: Hide to "welcome" page automatically if not used as plugin.
Improved: Confirm alert box messages translations.

Version 2.0.2

Added: Page Templates "default" option for spesific metabox hide/show.
Added: Post Formats "default" option for spesific metabox hide/show.
Added: Only allow number inputs for Spacing, Dimensions, Border, Slider, Typography etc.
Added: ChosenJS custom options support and improved width and css style.
Fixed: Taxonomy framework jquery triggers. It was not working again after saving.
Fixed: Code Editor style issue for used inside Group/Repeater.
Fixed: Sortable field sortby issue.
Fixed: Options panel show in customizer option.
Fixed: Media field URL show/hide option issue.
Improved: Typography, Color, Spinner, Date, Chosen, Slider fields for used inside Group/Repeater.
Improved: All fields javascript triggers for more performance.
Improved: Customizer Framework field dependency feature.
Improved: Customizer Framework field styles.

Version 2.0.1

Added: WP Editor AJAX support for Group Field, Repeater Field and Everywhere.
Added: Custom palette colors option for Color Picker.
Added: Override files feature again.
Added: Validate URL function callback.
Fixed: Group field save issue.
Fixed: Multiple given post formats metabox hide/show issue.
Fixed: Minor bugs.

Version 2.0.0

Premium version released

Version 1.0.0

Initial released

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