CSS Animator For WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Add Awesome CSS Animations to ANY Theme
CSS Animator is a WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) add-on that allows you add over 40 WPBakery Page Builder elements in your WordPress site.
You can have your elements unfold, spin, twirl, flip, slide elastically and plenty more. You can also change the duration and starting time of each animation so that you can chain them together to achieve awesome effects.
CSS Animator was built specifically for easy usage in WPBakery Page Builder, and fits excellently in its drag and drop interface. Adding CSS animations is just as easy as dragging your elements inside a CSS Animator element.
Works great with any theme
After You Install CSS Animator, a New Element Will Be Available in WPBakery Page Builder
Select & Modify Animations in the Intuitive WPBakery Page Builder Interface
Then Drag Your Elements into the CSS Animator Element
And you’re done!
Full Feature Set
- WordPress plugin
- WPBakery Page Builder Addon
- 40 CSS Entrance Animations, for your every need
- 7 CSS Loop Animations, to grab attention
- Animate single or multiple elements
- Adjustable animation duration & delays
- Chain animations together, using delays for maximum effect
- Doesn’t bloat your site, only the css of the used animation group are enqueued
- Uses CSS keyframes for animations, be on the cutting edge
- Integrates well with WPBakery Page Builder
- Simple interface
- Very easy to use
- Includes full detailed fields
To ThemeForest WP Theme Developers
If you want to include this as a feature in your themes, CSS Animator cannot be embedded. You can however include the plugin zip file in your release as long as you purchase an extended license. Be sure to let me know of your theme so we can feature it here!
Having Trouble with the Plugin?
Head over to the support tab and check out the FAQs, or post a comment!
Enjoying the Plugin?
Be sure to leave a rating and review and show us some love.
Check out Our Other WPBakery Page Builder Addons
Version 1.8.1 – June 14, 2019
* Fixed animations not being played in WPBakery 6.x+
Version 1.8 – March 21, 2018
* Removed Gambit menu & pointers * Cleanups
Version 1.7 – June 26, 2017
* Standards fixes and modernizations, including snake case fixes, and more. * Simpler mobile detection routine * WordPress standards * Added autoupdating of plugin.
Version 1.6 – November 20, 2014
* Added compatibility mode for themes that heavily modify WPBakery Page Builder and break our plugin (if you are encountering cases where the CSS Animator does not animate at all, enable compatibility mode) * Added uninstall.php file to clean up after ourselves when the plugin is deleted
Version 1.5 – October 10, 2014
* New simple Fade In effect * Added option to disable in mobile devices * Updated icon & updated icon to show up properly in VC 4.2+ * Minified scripts * Fixed errors that made the plugin stop working in some themes (e.g. Salient) * Fixed bug where in IE, some animations sometimes skipped to the end * Fixed bug where the plugin stops working when WPBakery Page Builder is not activated * Updated with a welcome notice
Version 1.4
* Fixed backward compatibility
Version 1.3
* Now supports Visual Composer v4.2
Version 1.2
* Fixed bug where embedded copies of Visual Composer could not load the plugin properly
Version 1.1
* Fixed bug where a Fatal Error prevented the plugin from being activated