DB Cache Reloaded Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin caches every database query with given lifetime. It is much faster than other html caching plugins and uses less disk space for caching.
I think you’ve heard of WP-Cache or WP Super Cache, they are both top plugins for WordPress, which make your site faster and responsive. Forget about them – with DB Cache Reloaded your site will work much faster and will use less disk space for cached files. Your visitors will always get actual information in sidebars and server CPU loads will be as low as possible.
This plugin is a fork of a DB Cache plugin. Because his author did not updated its plugin to WordPress 2.8, I finally (after almost three months since release of WP 2.8) took his plugin and updated it so now it works with newest WordPress version. Additionally I fixed few bugs, cleaned up the code and make it more secure.
This plugin was tested with WordPress 2.8 and never. It may work with earlier versions too – I have not tested. If you perform such tests, let me know of the results.
If you are using WordPress 2.9, please use DB Cache Reloaded version 2.0 or never – versions 1.x are not compatible with WordPress 2.9.
If you are using WordPress 3.0, please use DB Cache Reloaded version 2.1 or never – earlier versions are not compatible with WordPress 3.0.
Available translations:
- English
- Polish (pl_PL) – done by me
- Italian (it_IT) – thanks Iacopo
- Portuguese Brazilian (pt_BR) – thanks Calebe Aires
- Belorussian (be_BY) – thanks FatCow
- Spanish (es_ES) – thanks Dasumo
- Dutch (nl_NL) – thanks Rene
- Turkish (tr_TR) – thanks wolkanca
- Japanese (jp) – thanks wokamoto
- German (de_DE) – thanks Carsten Tauber
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