Delivery Pickup Reminder Email Woocommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Delivery Pickup Reminder Email Woocommerce Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

This is an addon plugin for order delivery date and time plugin, it automatically sends a reminder email to your customer regarding upcoming delivery or pickup for their order, you can configure in the plugin how much time before a reminder email should be sent.

E.g: if the user places a pickup order for 25th April 2020 3:00 PM
and you have set the reminder time to be 30 min
then the customer will receive and a reminder email on 25th April 2020 2:30 PM

Sending of the email are handled by the WordPress Cron, so there can be a delay in sending of email if your website does not have any visitor on that time so we recommend setting up a system Cron job in your hosting, so Cron can be run even when you don’t have any traffic on the site

  • You can set how much time before a regarding should be send
  • subject of the email send
  • email header text
  • email message part
  • Send reminder email to the admin and staff so they can prepare the order before time
  • Set a different trigger time for the admin reminder email (pro)
  • Set different subject/header/message for the admin email (pro)


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