JS Categories List Widget Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
This plugin provides a widget and a filter to display a collapsible list of categories in your sidebar or posts by using vanilla Javascript.
- Support for Gutenberg blocks. Add it to any FSE theme or Gutenberg compatible theme.
- Display a collapsed list of your archives to reduce space.
- Uses vanilla JS to add effects and to be compatible with all browsers.
- Select the symbol for expanding/collapsing categories
- Select categories to exclude, so it shows only the categories you want.
- Autoexpand selected category (including it parent or child).
- Support for multiple instances.
- Simple layout configuration
- Shortcode support [JsCategoriesList]
- Translated to Spanish, Italian Russian, Slovak, Czech.
- Compatible with most JS cache and minify plugins.
- And more to come…
- Title: title of the widget.
- Trigger Symbol: characters to be displayed as a bullet.
- Symbol position: where to put the expand/collapse symbol.
- Effect: JS’s effect to use.
- Order by: display order of categories.
- Expand: if list should be expanded or callapsed by default.
- Show number of posts: display how many post are published in the category.
- Show empty categories: display categories with no posts.
- Categories to include: categories to be included from the list.
- Categories to exclude: categories to be excluded from the list.
Here you can see a list of categories, those with sub-categories will habe a link on the right to expand its childs.
Here you can see a list of categories and its sub-categories expanded.