MiniCaprice – Wordpress Page Builder Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Mini Caprice is a professional Back-End page builder plugin for Wordpress. It enables you to create unlimited page layouts with everything in 0-second constant time delay. Save time. No programming knowledge is required.
Say goodbye to outdated technology of jQuery UI. Meet our UI Drag and Drop with super performance. No Ajax, No jQuery UI in BackEnd – Capriser is based on 100% tailored yet world-class code. Our plugin can handle numerous tasks perfectly without any delay – even on content-heavy websites or with humble Internet connection.
Forget Ajax which is used in all Page Builder plugin elsewhere. Be wise using Capriser with tailored code. All operations will be executed in 0-second delay
What to do if you need an element such as row or tab fit into other? Use Capriser to do it, with an uniue mechanism.
You can do anything to a column: Double it with or without existing content; Add, remove, arrange and re-size the width by click or drag-n-drop performance.
Capriser is compatible with all default WordPress widgets as well as 3rd party plugins.
This all-in-one element enables you to design static elements, drag & drop nodes, set attribute import & export HTML code, visualize CSS properties for each node and so on.
You will be able to install a section, add a screenshot to it or edit row amount inside.
- High Performance Drag and Drop
- Over 35+ elements all you need to build any layout
- Fully support copy, cut & paste elements
- Instant Editing can change content, image, maps in preview
- Sections Manager create sections and manage by profiles
- Locate profile export what you did and locate for installing in another place
- Advanced Mini Box transform code to visually and opposite
- Background Video auto play video as background
- CSS Box Add custom css for rows, elements
- Extendable easily customisable by adding your own shortcodes
- Download / Upload Profiles download, upload, storage profiles
- Theme Intergration easily integrate to any theme
- Templates customizable every elements with template system
- Content Type you can enable MiniComposer for post, custom post-type
- Background Parallax create row full-width, full-height with image parallax
- Over 20+ useful param types for any purpose
You’ll find that you’ve never used any page-builder faster than the Mini Caprice!