WP IeCard – WordPress ECards Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WP ieCard is a WordPress eCard plugin used to send eCard to your buddies. The plugin is very simple to use.
NEW! Version 1.8 is out and it brings eCard Scheduling, Rich Text Editor Functionality, Bulk eCard Send, GDPR compatibility and more flexible!
Start your own eCard site! or create your own eCard store with payment gateway. Setup an eCard store for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s day, Easter or Halloween and many more. Enjoy eCard!!
Add an eCards shortcode to any post or pages.
WP ieCard makes it quick and easy for you to send an eCard in just few clicks. Choose your favourite eCard, write your personal message, and send it to any email address.
WP ieCard sends images, be it JPG, PNG or animated GIF. WP ieCards uses WordPress internal mail functions to send eCard.
Checkout Plugin Demo:
Checkout WP ieCard – Pay Your Price add-on also. Let Customers Pay What They Want With WP ieCard – Pay Your Price
Newly Added Features:
- eCard Scheduling functionality. Now user can schedule an eCard.
- Rich Text Editor functionality. Enable WordPress rich text editor for eCard message.
- Export eCard log functionality. Now you can easily export sent eCard log / entries in a CSV file via admin.
- Video eCard functionality. Now you can add video self hosted, youtube, vimeo or dailymotion to eCard.
- Resend email functionality from admin.
- Default Email Address functionality. Now admin can set default email address from eCard post so ‘Your Friend Email’ field will not be displayed and email will go to default email address.
- View in Browser mail functionality. Now recipient can see mail in browser for more user engagement.
- Print eCard functionality when user see mail in browser.
- Added new Site View email template. Recipient has to come to your site to view eCard.
- Bulk Send eCard functionality for admin. Admin can send eCards to users or customers via CSV file on special occasions.
Here you will find the main features which are included in our ieCard Plugin.
- Create multiple eCard store for various categories.
- Five inbuilt eCard form style.
- Five inbuilt eCard display style with masonry layout.
- eCard Scheduling functionality. — Hot
- Video eCard functionality.
- Rich Text Editor functionality for eCard message. — Hot
- Mark as a Complete functionality to eCard log.
- Resend email functionality from admin.
- View in Browser mail functionality.
- Better UI representation to the user.
- WordPress media uploader for eCard images. Choose eCard images from media gallery.
- Order your eCard images with easy Drag & Drop features
- Display eCard images with title and description.
- PayPal Payment integration while sending eCard. PayPal Sandbox mode included for testing.
- Three types of eCard email display style. (Simple Plain Text, Email with GUI and etc)
- Better email representation for eCard.
- Multiple Admin notification when eCard was sent.
- Track number of eCard was sent via form.
- Track number of sent eCard image.
- Track number of eCard was sent via login user.
- Choose different price for different different eCard.
- Choose eCard image size which you want to display.
- Open eCard images in a popup for better visualization.
- Manage eCard form fields label, placeholder and enable/disable it per ecard store wise.
- Google reCaptcha integration with eCard form.
- Manage eCard success message and error message for individual eCards.
- Captures the sent eCard data. Better eCard log system for sent eCard with searching.
- Export sent eCard log data / entries as a CSV file.
- Restriction to send eCard for site guest members, login member or members with particular roles.
- Thank You page functionality after eCard was sent.
- Set Thank You page globally or per eCard store wise after ecard was sent.
- 100% multilanguage – iEcard is completely translatable both in front and back-end.
- Many more other features also…
Customer’s Review
Please see the Documentation of the plugin to learn how to use the plugin.
If you have any questions that are not listed in documentation, Feel free to get in touch with us on support@infornweb.com
Change Log:
= Version 1.8 (23, Dec 2024) =
* [Update] - Check compatibility with WordPress 6.7.1
* [Fix] - Fixed translation loading notice in WordPress 6.7
* [Updated] - Removed .mo and .po translation files because of .pot file.
= Version 1.7 (01, Sep 2021) =
[+] Add - New shortcode 'wp_iecard_view' to render sent eCard in browser with 'View In Browser' link.
[+] Add - New shortcode 'wp_iecard_media' to render eCard images only. Used for membership sites who only want to display preview images to signup and other stuff.
[*] Fix - JS deprecated warnings with WordPress 5.8
= Version 1.6 (16, Jan 2021) =
[*] Add - eCard bulk send functionality.
[*] Add - Math Captcha functionality as an alternative to Google reCaptcha.
[*] Add - PDT (PayPal Identity Token) feature to capture PayPal payment instantly.
[*] Update - Little CSS in 'Single Column - Grey' and 'Two Column - Navi Blue' eCard Form Template.
[*] Improve - 'View In Browser' link for multiple recipients with name and email when viewing an eCard in browser.
[*] Improve - PayPal IPN flow.
[*] Fix - Full image size is not displaying in popup.
[*] Fix - 'Reply-To' email address is not taking sender email address when 'From Email' is saved as an email address.
[*] Fix - eCard Image Masonry JS issue in WordPress Twenty Nineteen and Twenty Twenty default theme.
[*] Fix - Plugin setting meta box designing issue with WordPress 5.5
= Version 1.5 (20, July 2020) =
[*] Add - WordPress Rich Editor functionality for eCard message.
[*] Add - eCard scheduling functionality.
[*] Add - Export eCard log as a CSV file functionality.
[*] Add - 'Mark as a Complete' functionality to eCard log.
[*] Add - Resend email functionality from admin.
[*] Add - New template tag {site_view_link} for Admin Email Body.
[*] Fix - Custom Image validation issue when image extension is in upper case.
[*] Fix - CSS editor initialize multiple times when setting toggle is open or close.
[*] Fix - CSS column issues while loading masonry.
[*] Fix - 'Sent eCard' via 'View In Browser' link is not visible when page is created with Elementor page builder.
[*] Fix - Some styling issues.
[*] Update - Check compatibility with WordPress 5.4.2
[*] Update - Code optimization and improvements.
[*] Tweak - Some minor changes and improvements.
[*] Dev - Added new filters and hooks for eCard email message.
[*] Template - Some templates files have been changed so please verify it in case if you have overwritten it.
= Version 1.4 (06, July 2019) =
[*] Fix - Resolved PHP error when no eCard image is chosen from back end.
[*] Tweak - Some minor changes and improvements.
[*] Tweak - Minor changes related to "WP ieCard - Pay Your Price" add-on.
= Version 1.3 (10, Jun 2019) =
[+] New - Added custom image preview functionality before send for better user experience.
[+] New - Added limited eCard words functionality for eCard message.
[*] Update - Added some missing translation.
[*] Tweak - Updated some typo.
[*] Tweak - Fixed some designing issue.
[*] Template File - 'templates/ecards' file has been updated. If you have override template file then verify with latest copy.
= Version 1.2 (03, Nov 2018) =
Note : Once you update the plugin, please reactivate it.
[+] New - GDPR: Added Privacy settings. Display privacy message at eCard form.
[+] New - GDPR: Added settings to delete eCard log after specific time.
[+] New - Added Privacy settings. Display privacy message at eCard form.
[+] New - Added 'Remove All eCard Image' button at eCard post settings for better user experience.
[+] New - Added plugin Privacy Policy text along with WordPress privacy text for user information.
[*] Update - Improved eCard log view page. Added log status and delete link for better user experience.
[*] Update - Added link on IP address at eCard log view page.
[*] Update - Taken better care of data sanitizing before store to DB.
[*] Update - Plugin settings toggle box. Now it holds the open and closed status.
[*] Update - Custom CSS box to code editor.
[*] Fix - Remove unnecessary session code to avoid cookie.
[*] Tweak - GDPR: Store less PII in PayPal standard.
[*] Tweak - Improved eCard log search algorithm.
[*] Template - Changed templates are : ecard-form-fieldset-style.php, ecard-form-input-box-anim.php, ecard-form-simple.php, ecard-form-single-column.php, ecard-form-two-column.php
= Version 1.1 (05, Feb 2018) =
[+] Added pagination to eCard images. Now you can set eCard image pagination <b>[wp_iecard pagination="true" limit="5"]</b>
[+] Added limit parameter to eCard images. <b>[wp_iecard limit="5"]</b>
[+] Added Custom Image Upload functionality to eCard.
[+] Added 'Ecard Email Template' settings to eCard post seetings. Now you can choose different types of email for different eCard.
[+] Added 'Add More' field type for eCard extra recipients. Easy interface for eCard extra recipients. You can choose field display type as 'Add More' or 'Comma Separated' box.
[*] eCard video process updated. Now you can use direct video page link instead of video embed link.
[*] Resolved - View in Browser link issue when payment gateway is enabled.
[*] Resolved - eCard friend name enable issue.
[*] Resolved - Video auto play issue when popup is closed or changed.
[*] Resolved - Google reCaptcha API validation issue.
[*] Improved - In admin area, eCard post setting metabox tab will remain active on post update.
[*] Fixed some translation issue.
[*] Fixed some designing issue.
= Version 1.0.3 (07, Oct 2016) =
[*] Resolved eCard print is not working when page is set to 'Site View Page'.
= Version 1.0.2 (03, Oct 2016) =
[+] Added video eCard functionality. Now you can add video self hosted, youtube, Vimeo or Dailymotion to eCard.
[+] Added 'Default Email Address' functionality. Now admin can set default email address from eCard post so 'Your Friend Email' field will not be displayed and email will go to default email address.
[+] Added field for 'eCard Form title'.
[+] Added 'Recipient Name' field to eCard form.
[+] Added 'View in Browser' mail functionality. Now recipient can see mail in browser for more user engagement.
[+] Added 'Print eCard' functionality when user see mail in browser.
[+] Added site link to eCard logo in 'Default Email' Template.
[+] Added 'Copy' text to mail subject if user tick 'Send Me a Copy' and receive email.
[+] Added 'Full Image' size option in 'eCard Image Sizes' select box.
[+] Added 'Height x Width' parameter in 'eCard Image Sizes' select box.
[*] Resolved fatal error if eCard shortcode is entered to eCard post.
[*] Resolved some issues in 'Box Style Animation Form'.
[*] Updated email template and resolved some issues.
[*] Improved some UI to back end.
[*] Resolved blank div creation at back end when media is deleted.
[*] Optimize magnific popup js to load only on eCard pages.
[*] Updated 'Font Awesome' js to latest version.
[*] Resolved 'Custom CSS' special character issue.
= Version 1.0.1 (28, APR 2016) =
* [*] Resolved page reload issue after sending eCard.
= Version 1.0 =
* [+] Initial Release.