Portfolio Gallery Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Wordpress Portfolio Gallery
Wordpress Portfolio Gallery
Demo Portfolio Gallery
Demo Portfolio Gallery Admin
User Portfolio Gallery Manual
Portfolio Gallery is perfect for using for creating various portfolios or gallery within various views. The product allows adding descriptions and titles for each portfolio gallery. It is rather useful whever using with various pages and posts, as well as within custom location.
You can use portfolio gallery plugin to make your portfolio’s projects as well as to create your own image gallery, It has also the ability to create nicely designed FAQ system.
You can can use portfolio gallery on different pages so if you need to create portfolio, gallery, gallery with description, faq, slider and content slider you can install only portfolio gallery plugin.
With nicely designed user friendly admin panel of portfolio gallery It will take you 2 minutes to create your portfolio or gallery on your website. Over 104,729 our users who tried Portfolio Gallery, can prove it’s great functionality and utility. So try an enjoy!
Portfolio Gallery uses 7 view options and can be customized using the General Options. Almost all kind of texts are customizable in terms of text and color.
The features of the Portfolio Gallery:
WordPress Portfolio / Gallery ready
7 Views of Portfolio Gallery :
- Blocks Toggle Up/Down
- Full-Height Blocks
- Gallery / Content-Popup
- Full-Width Blocks
- FAQ Toggle Up/Down
- Content Slider
Lightbox Gallery
Unlimited amount of images to be added to the Portfolio Gallery
- Possibility of adding various portfolios
- Possibility of adding various images for each portfolio gallery
- Image, title and description to the Portfolio Gallery
- Possibility to add URL to tailor specific pages to the Portfolio Gallery
- Possibility to use different Portfolios / Galleries for different pages
- Autogenerated shortcode for the easier process of adding the Portfolio / Gallery to the posts/pages/templates
- Possibility to add Portfolio / Gallery in widgets right from widgets admin panel
- Drag and Drop functionality. Drag and drop images/projects to rearrange their sequence in the Portfolio / Gallery
- Full Documentation
- Sample Portfolios / Galleries Included
Upgrade to WordPress Portfolio / Gallery Pro to Customizable Styles and Colors.
If you think, that you found a bug in our [WordPress Portfolio Gallery](http://huge-it.com/portfolio-gallery) plugin or have any question contact us at [info@huge-it.com](mailto:info@huge-it.com).
WordPress Portfolio Gallery view 1 – Blocks Toggle Up/Down
WordPress Portfolio Gallery view 2 – Full-Height Blocks
WordPress Portfolio Gallery view 3 – Gallery
WordPress Portfolio Gallery view 3.2 – Gallery / Content-Popup
WordPress Portfolio Gallery view 4 – Full-Width Blocks
WordPress Portfolio Gallery view 5 – FAQ Toggle Up/Down
WordPress Portfolio Gallery view 6 – Content Slider
WordPress Portfolio Gallery view 7 – Lightbox – Gallery
WordPress Portfolio Gallery view 7.2 – Lightbox / Gallery – popup
WordPress Portfolio Gallery – Portfolio Gallery admin page
WordPress Portfolio Gallery – Portfolio Gallery admin page