Privacy Embed Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
This plugin adds some shortcodes to let you embed external content like youtube videos on your wordpress pages. Nothing new so far – why another plugin?
Well, this plugin puts emphasis on data protection. Before the content is loaded from an external area of responsibility (a third-party provider), the user must explicitly agree to the data transfer. In this way, the site operator is supported in designing his website in a data protection-compliant manner (taking into account the GDPR, among other things).
For the WPBakery Page Builder plugin, prefabricated blocks are also provided so that the shortcodes can be used directly.
Currently, embeddings of the following services are supported:
* YouTube videos (Google)
* Spotify (Artists, Albums, Tracks, Podcast Episodes)
* Twitter (Single Tweet, User Timeline, Follow-Button, Mention-Button, Hashtag-Button)
Settings Page: Updating the text shown on (or instead of) the embed elements
Sample YouTube Shortcode
YouTube Embed Element (before the user loads the content)
YouTube Embed Element (after the user loaded the content)
Sample Spotify Shortcodes
Spotify Embed Elements (before the user loads the content)
Spotify Embed Elements (after the user loaded the content)
Sample Twitter Shortcodes
Twitter Embed Elements (before the user loads the content)
Twitter Embed Elements (after the user loaded the content)