Quick New Site Defaults Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The plugin saves your time with default settings on a single options page. After you have installed a new WordPress site activate that plugin and choose a few settings. The plugin sets typical settings either for a blog site or a static site. Save them with one single click and the configuration of the new site is done!
Available options
- Delete default post ‘Hello World!’ permanently
- Delete default page ‘Sample Page’ permanently
- Set Site Title
- Set Tagline
- Set type of front page (posts or a static page)
- Create empty front page with any title
- Create empty blog page for posts with any title
- Create up to six empty pages with desired title, e.g. ‘Contact’, ‘Privacy Policy’ etc.
- Switch on or off permission comment posts
- Switch on or off permission for pingbacks and trackbacks
- Switch on or off action to notify any blogs linked to from the article
- Switch on or off conversion of emoticons like 🙂 and 😛 to graphics on display
- Switch on or off emails to you whenever anyone posts a comment
- Switch on or off emails to you whenever a comment is held for moderation
- Switch on or off whether comments must be manually approved
- Switch on or off whether comment author must have a previously approved comment
- Switch on or off whether comment author must fill out name and email
- Switch on or off whether users must be registered and logged in to comment
- Switch on or off the visibility for search engines
- Switch on or off the admin sidebar for your profile
- Remove selected default widgets from the sidebar
Parts of the user interface is available in many languages. It is completely translated into
- English
- German (Deutsch)
Further translations are welcome. If you want to give in your translation please leave a notice in the plugin’s support forum.
Your idea to improve the plugin is welcome
If you have any new idea for this plugin post your questions and ideas in the support forum at wordpress.org. I will try to take a look and answer as soon as possible.
coming soon…