Quick Questionnaire Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Quick Questionnaire Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Create simple exercises directly in the editor by putting the possible answer(s) in double brackets.
A quick questionnaire must be an ordered or unordened list.

The following types of answers are possible:

Enter the correct answer in a textbox:

The correct answer has to be entered in a textbox.

  <li>The capital of France is ...? {text{ Paris }}</li>

You can also use a case insensitive textbox by using the itext property:

  <li>The capital of France is ...? {itext{ Paris }}</li>

Enter the correct answer in a textbox – multiple answers possible:

The correct answer has to be entered in a textbox.

  <li>The capital of France or Italy is ...? {text{ Paris | Rome }}</li>

Enter the correct answer in a textbox – regular expression:

If you have some regular expression skills, you can also specify this:

  <li>The capital of France or Rome is ...? {reg{ /^(Paris|Rome)$/ }}</li>

Check the correct answer in radio buttons:

All possible answers are divided by |, the correct answer has to be marked with a *.
The answers are displayed as radio boxes.

  <li>The capital of France? {radio{ Paris* | London | Berlin }}</li>

Check all possible answers in checkboxes:

Mark alle correct answers with a *.
The answers are displayed as checkboxes.

  <li>Countries of Europe? {checkbox{ France* | Netherlands* | Canada }}</li>


  1. Single select radio boxes

    Single select radio boxes

  2. Multiple select checkboxes

    Multiple select checkboxes

  3. Text input boxes

    Text input boxes

  4. Edit the exercise in the editor is simple

    Edit the exercise in the editor is simple

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