Random Numbers Generator Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin allows you to display pre-formatted random numbers for testing or demonstration purposes.
range: Two numbers separated by a comma. The output will contain a number between the mininum and maximum value, in that order.
format: Any string containing at least the # character. The # character is a placeholder for the generated number. If a single digit integer follows the #, the number will be formatted with the amount of decimals it specifies. By default, the output will be the nubmer by itself. Any other string specified in the format declaration will be echoed as is.
use: The name of a register. When “use” is specified, the first instance of the random number will be registered for reuse.
[rann range=1,100]: Outputs a integer between 1 and 100.
[rann range=0.25,2.5 format=#2]: Outputs a float between 0.25 and 2.50
[rann range=-100,100 format=$#]: Outputs a signed integer between -100 and 100, preceded by the dollar sign.
[rann range=1,10 use=mytoken format=$#.95]: Outputs an integer between 1 and 10 preceded by a dollar sign and followed by “.95”; registers the result for later use.
[rann use=mytoken]: Outputs the raw integer registered in the previous example.
None needed.
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