Rate My Post – Star Rating Plugin By FeedbackWP - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Rate My Post – Star Rating System by FeedbackWP allows you to easily add rating functionality to your WordPress website. Visitors can rate your posts/pages and send you private feedback after rating.
Functionality to add star rating and result widget to custom post types, use different rating icons, create custom rating widgets that work independently of posts and pages is available in the Premium Version.
What sets Rate My Post apart from other WordPress rating plugins is its simplicity, performance and impact on engagement. It works with any page cache plugin and is probably the most customizable free WordPress rating plugin.
- Add rating functionality to your website automatically or use shortcodes – no coding required!
- Option to show ratings visually before the content of each post (so-called results widget)
- Stats section where you can see how many votes each post/page received and what is its average rating.
- Analytics section with detailed information about each rating such as time, IP (optionally), username, title, time spent on page before rating etc.
- Easily change ratings in the admin panel
- Supports structured data for rich snippets according to the latest Google guidelines
- GDPR compliant
- Top rated posts widget
- Custom templates for complete customization
- Works with infinite scroll plugins and popups (implementation required)
FeedbackWP Premium
This is the lite version of FeedbackWP Premium rating plugin with structured data for rich snippets. Click here to purchase the best WordPress feedback, star rating and rate my post plugin.
[ratemypost] – embeds rating widget
[ratemypost-result] – embeds results widget
It is also possible to embed a rating of whichever post by passing the id of the post to the shortcode.
[ratemypost id=”1″] – embeds rating widget for the post with the id of 1
[ratemypost-result id=”1″] – embeds results widget for the post with the id of 1
FeedbackWP Premium
FeedbackWP Premium comes with advanced schema selector which allows you to select schema type directly in the post editor for each post and supports custom rating widgets. Read more about FeedbackWP Premium.
Features to add rating and feedback result widgets to Custom Post Types (CPT), add rating to existing posts without votes, and support for a different icon other than the Star icon are available in FeedbackWP Premium.
The plugin includes five components; rating widget, results widget, social widget, feedback widget and top rated posts widget.
Rating Widget Features:
Rating widget adds the basic rating functionality to your website
Choose between different types of rating widget: Stars, Thumbs, Hearts, Smileys and Trophies
Add rating widget to any page/post with shortcode: [ratemypost]
Add rating widget to all posts or pages with one click in the settings
Exclude rating widget from certain pages and posts – such as About Us page etc.
All texts and colors can be easily changed in the settings
Option to add structured data for Rich Snippets to be displayed in search engines
Option to get email when a post is rated
Option to prevent accidental votes
Prevent double votes with cookies
Option to hide average rating and vote count
Option to show descriptive ratings while a user hovers over rating icons
Option to enable reCAPTCHA v3 protection
Option to show results (visual rating) on archive pages
Option to allow only logged in users to vote
Option to prevent double votes via IP addresses
Results Widget Features:
Results widget is similar to the rating widget, but is not interactive – it only displays rating visually.
Optional feature – you can enable it or disable it
Add results widget to any page/post with shortcode: [ratemypost-result]
Add results widget to all posts or pages with one click in the settings
Feedback Widget Features:
Feedback widget enables visitors to leave you anonymous feedback
Optional feature – you can enable it or disable it
After a negative rating (you define what is a negative rating in the settings), displays the feedback widget
Users who give you negative rating can help you improve your post
Feedback is not posted publicly – only you can see it
Option to get an email if somebody leaves you feedback
Social Widget Features:
Social widget displays social follow or social share links after the rating has been submitted
You can show social follow/share links after a positive rating (you define what is a positive rating in the settings).
Top Rated Posts Widget:
Displays top rated posts on your website
Display top-rated posts on your website with the “Top Rated Posts” widget. You can specify the number of posts, minimum average rating, and vote count required. Additionally, enable featured images and visual ratings.
[ratemypost-top-rated] – embeds the top-rated posts widget.
Why use Rate My Post?
Increase engagement
Get feedback and improve your content
Get more followers on social media
It’s responsive, lightweight and simple to use
It’s probably the most customizable free WordPress rating plugin
It uses AJAX and thus works super fast
It’s compatible with caching plugins
It supports structured data for rich snippets
It works with multilingual websites
AMP compatibility
reCAPTCHA v3 protection
Migration tools – easily migrate from kk Star Ratings, YASR or WP-PostRatings
Ratings in posts/pages
After vote, if feedback is enabled
After vote, if social is enabled
Plugin Settings
Plugin Customization
Plugin Stats
Manipulate Votes