Slickr Flickr Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
- Displays Flickr photos as a gallery, a galleria, or an unbranded slideshow (i.e. not Flickr’s own slideshow widget)
- Uses “slickr-flickr” shortcode to make it as easy as possible to show your Flickr photos on WordPress
- Works well in posts, pages and text widgets in the sidebar, at different sizes, with portrait and landscape photos
- Sorts photos by date, title or description
- With or without captions, photo descriptions and links back to Flickr
- With manual or autoplay slideshows
- Works with various LightBoxes such as Evolution LightBox, FancyBox, Highslide, LightBox Plus, Pretty Photo, Slimbox, ShadowBox, Shutterbox and ThickBox.
- See for tutorials on using the plugin
- See for Pro Edition Priority Support and Bonus Features
How to Use The Plugin
The Flickr show is inserted into a post or a widget using the slickr-flickr short code.
For example, to show my pictures from Flickr that have been tagged with “bahamas” I use : [slickr-flickr tag=”bahamas”]
For the full list of Slickr Flickr parameters go to
How to Set Up The Plugin Defaults
If you don’t want to specify all the settings for every Flickr slideshow or gallery you can set up some defaults. The default value is used when you have not specified a value on the individual slideshow, gallery or galleria. All the following settings are optional; we only strongly recommend you set the Flickr ID to save having to set it on every use of the plugin.
- Go to the “Settings” section, and choose “Slickr Flickr”
- Enter your Flickr Id (the ID is of the form 12345678@N00) and choose whether it is a user or group id
- Enter your Flickr API Key
For more information on the other defaults you can set up, go to
Here are some of the useful Slickr Flickr WordPress Plugin links
- Plugin Home Page
- Plugin Help and Support
- Plugin Tutorials
- Slickr Flickr Pro
Example of more than one Flickr Gallery and more than one Flickr Slideshow in action on a single page
Example of a Flickr galleria (a display including a large photo with thumbnails below)
Example of an overlaid lightbox which appears on clicking a thumbnail