Smart Portfolio Manager – Product Catalog Listing Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Smart Portfolio Manager is an excellent plugin that is designed to work with any WordPress website. It is a straightforward plugin that assists you in creating a custom post-type portfolio. Once installed, you can easily display your work in a separate category and organize it by portfolio categories and terms. This plugin helps you present your work in a way that is attractive and visually appealing. With the Smart Portfolio Manager plugin, it’s easy to add images along with other details to your portfolio. Furthermore, the plugin also allows you to load a portfolio with a grid layout, which makes it easier to showcase your work to your audience. You can customize your portfolio according to your preferences, thereby providing a unique essence to your website. So, if you’re looking for the perfect plugin to display your work in an elegant way, the Smart Portfolio Manager is a great choice.
- Shortcodes for showing anywhere on Page and Post
- Custom Portfolio Post Type
- Portfolio Gallery
- Lightbox
- Responsive Design
- Grid Layout (3 columns)
- Controlling Options
- Show/Hide Specific category terms
Default Shortcode
Control Number of Portfolio Per Page
Options: Options: -1 for all Portfolio
Default: 10 (WordPress Default)
[spmpcl_post_grid posts_per_page=”6″]
Show/Hide Specific Category Terms
Options: 1,2,3,4 (Comma Seprate ID)
Default: “”
[spmpcl_post_grid category=”10,20,30,40″]
[spmpcl_post_grid terms=”101,201,301,401″]
Post Order
Options: ASC, DESC
Default: DESC
[spmpcl_post_grid order=”DESC”]
Post Orderby
Default: Options: menu_order, ID, title
Default: menu_order
[spmpcl_post_grid orderby=”menu_order”]
for more info: Visit Official Document