Sugar FAQs – WordPress FAQ Management Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Sugar FAQs is a complete Frequently Asked Question Management plugin for WordPress. It provides an FAQ custom post type that can be used to effortlessly add FAQ sections to your website.
FAQs are displayed in a slick accordion style that allows for a stylish and efficient way for you to get your customer’s most common questions answered. FAQs can be Topicalized into Topics, providing excellent organization of questions, and then each Topic (with its respective questions) can be displayed anywhere you wish in your theme.
The accordion FAQs are powered purely by CSS3 for modern browsers, with jQuery back up for Internet Explorer. They are extremely flexible and will fit within any theme flawlessly. If you decide you would rather use your theme’s default post layout, then that is fully supported as well!
This plugin also includes a front-end FAQ submission form for your users to submit their own questions. When a question is submitted, a new FAQ is created and set to Pending Review. An admin or editor can then review and publish / reject it. The plugin contains an email notification option as well for notifying admins when FAQs are submitted.
Adding FAQs is as simple as adding any other WordPress post.
- FAQ Custom Post Type
- CSS 3 Accordion Style
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Light weight
- Versatile Short Codes
- FAQ Topics
- FAQ Topic Widget
- 9 Color Schemes
- Ajax powered front-end Question submission form with math validation
- Plugin Settings Page
- Thorough Documentation
All support for this plugin is now provided through my dedicated support forum. Please go there to ask support related questions.
Change Log
8-2-11: Fixed bug that caused the ? icon to show when using topicalize=false, even when turned off in settings.
8-27-11, v1.0.2: Fixed nonindexed errors.
9-5-11, v1.1.0: Added the hierarchical option the shortcode. Removed the width style from beeing ouputted when no width is set, and set a fadein effect to help remove the "flash" reported by some users on load.
9-7-11, v1.1.1: Added math validation for the submission form
11-18-11, v1.2.0: Added order and orderby options to the settings page
01-17-12, v1.2.1: Improved script loading so they are only loaded when the short code is present.
01-27-12, v1.2.2: Fixed the One Open option.
07-01-12, v1.2.4: Added option to disable the fade-in.
07-12-12, v1.2.5: Fixed a bug with the fade in effect and did some general improvements..
09-01-12, v1.2.6: Fixed a bug with the FAQ submission form.
09-12-12, v1.2.7: Fixed a bug that prevented non-logged-in users from submitting FAQs.
Credits: The accordion script used is this file was written by metafflex.