Thumbnail Gallery (WordPress Plugin) - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This Plugin will help you to easily add a thumbnail gallery to your WordPress website or blog. The
gallery is completely customizable, resizable and is compatible with all browsers and devices (iPhone,
iPad and Android smartphones). You will be able to insert it in any page or post you want with inbuilt
short code generator.
Admin Demo
Admin demo
User: demo
Pass: demo
Note: View Documentation & FAQ sections for instructions. Demo content is deleted periodically so if you have any problems refresh the page.
Other versions
If you want an item make sure you buy the correct version. While the demo may look similar, the code and usage are different.
Front End
Responsive layout.
AddThis Social Sharing integrated.
You can customize each gallery individually.
You can have a completely customizable lightbox.
You can embed Youtube & Vimeo videos.
You can add HTML or Flash.
You can design your own navigation buttons and use them.
You can use an unlimited number of galleries into your WordPress website.
You can display in a gallery an unlimited amount of images.
Browse the gallery on touchscreen devices using one finger (swipe thumbnails, images or lightbox).
You can navigate through thumbnails with mouse or arrows.
Control the slideshow with completly customizable play/pause button.
Display images at random.
Completely resizable.
You can change thumbnails position.
You can have a slideshow.
View the Live Preview to see some customization examples.
Back End
AJAX admin.
You can add images using WordPress native file upload system, a simple AJAX upload, Uploadify for multiple files upload, or FTP.
You can change background color, image and transparency in the gallery from admin.
You can change thumbnail size, border, spacing, transparency, …
You can change picture size, background, border, spacing, transparency, …
You can disable/enable images/media.
Drag & Release to crop thumbnails.
Drag & Drop to sort images.
Easy TinyMCE Editor integration (shortcode generator).
A gallery settings are saved and can be used on other galleries.
Widget support.
View the Admin Demo to see how it works.
View demo on your mobile device
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You can view the Changelog here.