TabGarb Pro – WordPress Tab Plugin Ver 2.6 - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
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TabGarb Pro is a plugin which helps you to add heavy weight highly customized tabs on your post & pages.
TabGarb Pro can help you to strip your content into different parts.
TabGarb Pro has 3 in-build Tab Method for loading tabs :
- Using JavaScript
Load all Tab at once when when user request for page.
- Normal HTML (Load Pages Quick)
Load only particular Tab which is requested by user.
- Using Ajax (Load Pages Quick)
Load only particular Tab which is requested by user but after load other tabs without page reload.
- Add Hotlink to Tab
You can link Tab to Another Page Easily.
TabGarb Pro also has 5 unique Tabs changing effect :
- Fade
- Zap
- Slide
- Scroll Left
- Scroll Right
You can also control Tabs Effect Duration from TabGarb Pro option page under WP admin.
TabGarb Pro also comes with in-build Easy & Quick “Theme Maker” so no need to have knowledge of CSS for styling you Tabs.
Upcoming & in Planing Feature :
- Responsive Tabs.
- Icons Support.
Changelogs :
====== 2.5 ====== * Text Modification. * Ajax double loading problem solved. * Added Unique URL for every MODE of Tab using HASH ( Now every tab will have there unique URL so its easy to share URL with others ). * Added Cache System In style.php will improved load time by more then 3x. * Link Feature to Tabs ( You can attach URL to any tab you want to ). * Bottom Tabs Ability ( Can put your tab below to tab content )
Screenshot :
TabGarb Pro Theme Maker Above Image
Custom Theme made using TabGarb Theme Maker.
Be Updated
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