WooCommerce Ezidebit Gateway Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin is now supporting WooCommerce Subscriptions.
WooCommerce Ezidebit Gateway allows you to process one time credit card payment or recurring payment with bank account or credit card. This plugin uses Ezidebit’s cloud payment page that provides the most stringent security policies and protocols to protect sensitive payment data including payer and biller credit card details.
- Wordpress 4.5 to latest
- WooCommerce Subscriptions v2.2.5 to latest
- WooCommerce 3.0 to latest
- Ezidebit API v3.5
Note:If possible, All requirements should be latest version.
Supported Subscriptions Method
- Subscription cancellation
- Supports only every [week, month, year] subscriptions, daily is not supported
Not Supported Subscriptions Method
- Multiple subscriptions
- Subscription amount changes
- Subscription date changes
- Subscription suspension
- Subscription payment method change
- Secure ( Fully PCI Level 1 Compliant )
- Proccess Woocommerce subscriptions payments
- Credit Card payment for both subscriptions and simple checkout
- Bank Account payment for subscriptions
- Allows you to cancel subscriptions
- Processes refund for simple checkout
- Allows you to use eDDR payment page for One-off Products
- More Secure Credit Card Payments
- Secure Bank Account Payments
- Increasing Success Transactions
- Instant Payment Process
- User Friendly
- Prevent PCI Risks
Accepted Payments
- Bank Account ( For recurring payments )
- Credit Cards ( For simple checkout & recurring payments )
- * Visa
- * MasterCard
- * American Express.
- * Diners Club.
Guide for Testing (sandbox)
Visa/MasterCard/Diners, These cards allows you to test failed and successful payments depending on on what amount in the payments amount. Zero cents (e.g. 100 or 100.00) will be successful. Any other amount with cents will always fail with the failed reason corresponding to the number of cents (e.g. 100.51 ).
American Express Only, Transaction with AMEX card will always be transaction amounts with cents or without cents.
Card Samples
- Card: Visa
- Card Number: 4987 6543 2109 8769
- Expiration Date: 05-2021
- CVV: 123
- Card: MasterCard
- Card Number: 5123 4567 8901 2346
- Expiration Date: 05-2021
- CVV: 123
- Card: Diners Club
- Card Number: 3012 3456 7890 19
- Expiration Date: 05-2021
- CVV: 123
- Card: American Express (AMEX)
- Card Number: 3400 0000 0000 009
- Expiration Date: 05-2021
- CVV: 1234
View Full Test Payment Details
Comments or Suggestions
If you have any comments or suggestions to help me improve this plugin, Please feel free to post a comment.
= 1.0 =
feb 22, 2017: Fixed bug on spinner not showing during redirection to ezidebit hosted payment page. feb 22, 2017: Add new field(checkbox) called "Enable Refunds" on settings page. This will allow you to switch on/off the ProcessRefund functionality, By default this is not enable. apr 14, 2017: WooCommerce 3.0+ Compatibility.
= 2.0 =
May 25, 2017: WooCommerce Subscriptions compatibility implementation. Jun 19, 2017: Update error when checkout simple products. Add function_exist method for function wce_is_subscription(). Jul 3, 2017: Fix issue on title and description not updating on back end checkout configuration. Aug 16, 2018: Modify wce_get_subcription_length method to fix subscriptions always ongoing issue. Apr 30, 2019: Create an option to use eDDR payment page for one-off products