WP E-Commerce Compare Products Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The Compare Products extension for WP e-Commerce gives a product comparison feature that you’d only expect to find on the big corporate e-commerce sites.
Compare Products uses your existing WP e-Commerce Product Categories and Product Variations to create Product Feature Sets that can be assigned to each and every product to create a feature comparison table.
This allows users to firstly add products to a compare widget basket, then at the click of a mouse the chosen products can be viewed in a state-of-the-art comparison table.
Chosen products are compared side-by-side, feature by feature, price-by-price. Discard products from the table at the click of a mose as you hone in on the product that is the one for you. Save the comparison as a PDF or print it.
Key Features
- Create the perfect layout and look for your compare features without touching the theme or plugin code.
- Theme updates and changing a theme does not affect the layout and styles you create. It is all in the plugin, independent of the theme.
- In Window Comparison page and the scrolling comparison table that will wow your users.
- Create unique Comparison feature set for a group of products by using existing WP e-Commerce Product Categories and Variations.
- Add or create completely new comparable feature sets independent to your existing WP e-Commerce Product Categories and Variations.
- Works with any Theme that has the WP e-Commerce plugin installed and activated.
- On install all of your existing Product Categories are auto created as Compare Categories
- On install all of your existing Product Variations are auto created as Compare Features.
- Add custom Comparable Features.
- Fully tested and optimized for all legacy browsers on IOS, Windows and IE9 to IE11.
- Fully tested and optimized for all iPads, Android, Kindle and Google Tablets
- Fully tested and optimized for IOS and Android Mobile platforms.
Featuring Sass (Simply Awesome Stylesheets)
- All the front end style display is created via Sass #dynamic {stylesheets}.
- Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world.
- Sass loads and renders much faster in all browers.
- Sass #dynamic {stylesheets} allows you to edit the plugins front end layout and display without touching the code.
- This plugins backend admin panels are created in Sass.
Mobile Responsive App style admin interface
- 100% compatible with WordPress v4.0 admin interface.
- Backward compatibility to WordPress v3.8.0
- Sass app style admin inteface.
- Admin interface is optimized for mobiles and tablets.
a3rev Plugins Lite & Pro Version Admin Interface
- All a3rev Lite Version plugins have exactly the same admin interface as the Pro Version.
- Pro Version features and settings are inside of a Yellow border.
- The Pro Version settings are all active on the admin panels But do not save and are not applied to the front end.
- Upgrading to the Pro version activates all the Pro version Features and Settings and removes the Yellow side bar and borders.
= Premium Support =
The a3rev team does not provide support for the WP e-Commerce Compare Products plugin on the WordPress.org forums. One on one developer support is available via the plugins a3rev support forum to people who have purchased a WP e-Commerce Compare Products Pro plugin Lifetime License.
The Pro Version has lots of extra features (listed below) that coupled with developer support might be well worth your investment!
Pro Version Features
The Pro version upgrade offers these additional features:
Products Express Manager
- Product Express Manager – If your time is worth anything to you – you will want this feature.
- Saves you hours, days or even weeks of work (on larger stores) in apply compare to your products
Compare Videos and Audio files
- Compare Audio – Shows the default WordPress Audio player in the Comparison table. Supported formats .mp3, .m4a, .ogg, .wav file
- Compare Video – Shows and plays Youtube, Vimeo and WordPressTV videos in the Comparison table.
Full Sass #dynamic {stylesheets} functions
- All of the Sass #dynamic {stylesheets} Style and layout settings are activated.
- Create a unique style and layout of the Compare front end features in Sass without touching the code.
- Activates the ‘View Cart’ feature on Grid View.
- Sass #dynamic {stylesheets} products Grid View layout and display styling function.
- Sass #dynamic {stylesheets} full Compare Widget layout and styling functions.
- Sass #dynamic {stylesheets} ‘Add to Cart’, ‘View Checkout’ custom style feature on the comparison table.
- Sass #dynamic {stylesheets} full Comparison Table layout and style functions.
Plugin Resources
- English (default) – always include.
- Bulgarian translation now included thanks to Keremidi
- .pot file (wpec_cp.pot) in languages folder for translations.
- Your translation? Please send it to us We’ll acknowledge your work and link to your site.
Please Contact us if you’d like to provide a translation or an update.