WP Ultimate BAN Users Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Plugin Overview – version 1.5.7
The Ultimate BAN Users WordPress Plugin is the last plugin you’ll ever need for managing access to your WordPress site and moderating/removing users’ content. Ban existing users indefinitely or by date / time, deny registrations based on banned ips/emails/countries. Catpure IP/Geodata/Browser/Device data and much, much more….
Recent Reviews based on Ultimate & Lite Versions
Lite version of the plugin is available on WordPress.ORG – Click to Download
- “One of the finest in paid user access manager WordPress plugins”
- “Does exactly what I need, and customer support is very responsive!”
- “The best plugin I’ve ever used for banning accounts!”
- “At last I found plugin that truly bans..”
- “OUTSTANDING plugin / support / developer”
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Summary of Ultimate BAN Users Features:
- Ban existing WordPress users from logging in
- Option to ban user’s last known IP address whilst banning login account
- View insightful data about users’ devices, browsers, and activity
- Identify potentially shared accounts (accessed from multiple sources)
- Ban users indefinitely, by day, week, month or until a specified date / time
- Deny visitors from registering based on email/ip address/country code
- Quickly turn off WordPress features such as commenting, or registering accounts
- Dashboard with graphs showing related stats
- Audit log showing comprehensive event data.
- Option to temporarily/or permanently disable non-admin logins
- Option to restrict admin logins to set days/hours of the week
- View user’s last login data from the default WordPress users table
- Enhanced security with option to hide failed login error messages
- Awesome UI with comprehensive settings
- Bulk change the status of banned users’ posts (i.e. to draft)
- Capture and view reason for banning users
- Spam prevention settings for blocking unwanted logins/registrations
- Include snippets of custom css/js in header/footer
- Automated notifications for logins when accessed from new ip address
- Send notification when someone logs in with an administrative account
- Send custom email notifications, including CC, BCC fields
- TAG support in custom emails to embed dynamic data.
- Force banned users to logout, or redirect them
- Capture IP/Geodata during logins, inc. Mobile Detection
- View IP/Geodata/banned status/activity/browser & device details
- Prevent users publishing content with banned keywords/phrases
- Easily manage banned users/ips/emails/country codes
- View banned users in a separate table for easy management
- Monitoring new posts, by sending notification when user publishes first post
- Display front end notifications to users when banned
- Enhanced security to restrict Ban User privilege access
- Send WARNING emails to users with custom messages
- Awesome flat icons as alternatives to text based links
- Modal popup for sending custom messages, with textarea instead of text field
- For developers, we include Shortcodes
- Supports Ultimate Member Plugin
- Support for Accessibility / Screen Readers
How is it useful; why do I need it?
There are multiple reasons why an administrator of a WordPress website may need to block users. One of the most popular reasons is the security of the site. Indeed, most blogs face security issues. Once your site is online and growing in popularity, it can become the target of individuals whose only goal is to destroy your work and to discredit your blog. The BAN Users Plugin enables administrators to deny access to unwanted individuals, and inform those users of the actions taken against them.
- You want to ban malicious users from logging in.
- You want to temporarily suspend a users login access.
- You want to ban users who have breached terms of use or another policy.
- You want to temporarily control access to admin.
- You want to restrict a registered user from making any changes during development.
- You have a client/user who has an unpaid invoice.
- Ideal solution for moderators who monitor WordPress forums/posts.
Version 1.5.7 [Fixed] Banning Avatar caused WP get error. [Added] Support for WP User Avatar [Added] Introduced https://banusers.com Version 1.5.6 [Fixed] Request API Key not working [Fixed] Remote IP location data not working [Added] New IP Resolution (auto or using ipify API) Version 1.5.5 [Fixed] Problem with some database queries affecting stats tables Version 1.5.4 [Fixed] - Issue when getting avatar WP ID (caused delays/warnings) [Fixed] - Moved chartjs library to load when WP hook = settings page (thanks MBlyth!). [Fixed] - Moved notifyjs library to load locally due to CDN delays (thanks MBlyth!).. [Updated] - A number of library files to latest released [Updated] - Tested with WordPress 5.x Version 1.5.3 [Fixed] - Removed beta 'whoisoline' function due to reported issues Version 1.5.2 [Fixed] - Display date user last seen not saving [Fixed] - PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare file_get_contents_request_method() [Fixed] - WordPress database error Table 'db.wp_w3dev_banned_logins' doesn't exist for query [Fixed] - Added function_exists check for 'curl_request_method' [Fixed] - Closing popup modal causes screen to scroll to top [Fixed] - Ban reason added to banned users table in plugin settings. [Fixed] - Last Seen column in users table shows when option not checked [Fixed] - Last seen date not updating [Fixed] - IP Lookup not working [Added] - BAN Email addresses by wildcard [Added] - User registration country check [Added] - Move 'Set registration options' into settings tab, and a new section [Added] - Add help link to all settings sections which links to relevant banusers.wpress-plugins.com url Version 1.5.1 [Fixed] Invalid user ID variable accessed when logging a failed login event [Fixed] Login history if device unknown show empty, changed to Unknown [Fixed] Prevent banning of your own IP Address [Fixed] Event logging options not saving [Fixed] Bug when opening hidden sections / clicking quick links section blank [Fixed] Notice: wpdb::prepare was called incorrectly Shared acccounts query [Added] Material theme applied to jquery confirm [Added] When unbanning user, option to always unban last known ip [Added] Misc animation css effects [Added] Add plugin settings quick link to top bar of wordpress [Added] Add option to always ban ip when banning a user [Added] Switch warn modal over to ajax content [Added] Add moderator and moderated roles dropdown [Added] Add new multi select dropdown js code [Added] Add restrict access by role [Added] Change banned users' role upon banning [Added] Change banned users' role when unbanned [Added] Disable password reset function for banned users [Added] Option to set spammer status for banned users [Added] Option to remove spammer status when unbanning users [Added] Option to scramble banned users' passwords [Added] Disable reset password function for banned users [Added] Hide banned users comments from frontend [Added] Banned usernames function [Added] CSS visual changes to settings page Version 1.4.9 [Added] Ban user's last known ip address whilst banning login account [Fixed] Selectrix replacement dropdown not working in modals [Fixed] JQuery Confirm content not opening in safari until modal clicked [Fixed] Device detection not working [Fixed] Banned email error showing on registration page [Fixed] Ban by date picker not displaying correctly with new modal [Fixed] Quick unban on banned users table not working Version 1.4.8 [Added] Ban new/edit posts which contain banned keywords/phrases [Added] Shared login data now available in users table via a modal popup [Added] Now you can ban users (login/registration) by country code [Added] Option to disable registrations [Added] Toggle ban user settings' contents (hide/show) by clicking header [Added] Set default ban and warning reasons that appear in popup modal [Added] Labels added to quick link icons on settings page, along with animation [Added] Created new dashboard stats graphs and tab [Added] Option to close all accordions by default [Added] Minimised closed accordions to reduce space [Added] Last seen (i.e. date last logged in) displayed in users table [Added] Ability to turn off comments (& hide previous comments) [Added] Option to disable non-admin account logins [Added] Restrict admin logins to set hours each day. [Added] Event log added [Added] Device Information modal added to users table [Added] Browser icon added users table [Updated] Updated Mobidetect library [Added] New user login history modal [Added] New banned history modal [Added] Banned users tab shows count of banned users [Added] Added option to disable device detection [Updated] Updated balloon tooltip Version: 1.4.7 [Updated] Minor UI changes to plugin's settings page [Added] Email templates now support additional TAGS [Added] Updated depenancy libraries [Added] Send email notification when an Admin Logs In [Added] Enhanced security with option to hide failed login errors [Added] Additional WP Shortcodes [Added] New icons to illustrate device type (desktop, mobile, tablet) [Added] New save changes notification [Added] Added BCC and CC fields to Email Templates [Added] Support for multiple email addresses in Email Template To,Cc,Bcc fields. [Fixed] Invalid markup causing php warning [Fixed] Misc CSS [Fixed] Broken country flag IMG src causing outline Version: 1.4.2 [Fixed] Issue with enqueue dependancy (thank you e-watchman) [Fixed] Compatibility issue with ARMember (thank you vortexvt) [Fixed] Misc CSS issues Version: 1.4.1 [Added] New IP lookup service (w3-ip.com) [Added] Ability to include custom css/js in the header/footer [Added] Spam prevention settings (deny login/registration) [Added] Automated notifications for logins when access from new ip address Version 1.3.9 [Fixed] Missing default values causing warning on Settings page. [Fixed] Problem with Warning email template values not saving. [Added] Enhanced security to restrict Ban User privilage access [Added] Overhauled settings page. Simplified & organised layout [Added] Option to enable/disable support for 3rd Party plugins [Added] Option to disable plugin's enqueued files to allow them to be manually included [Fixed] Force Logout bug when on front end [Fixed] Logic mistakes on settings page [Fixed] Optimised code; refactored & bug fixes [Fixed] Improved options page layout, including misc fixes [Added] Ban user by duration (1 day, 1 week etc) using new dropdown select [Added] Improvements to date picker; moved to new modal popup [Fixed] Issue where Unban Cron not executed correctly [Fixed] PHP Compatibility issue (Thank you alfredopacino) [Added] Added accessibility option to choose text links instead of icons [Fixed] Improved accessibility, misc amends [Fixed] Accessibility SR issue fixed affecting fontawesoome icons Version: 1.3.1 [Added] New feature to BAN users by date & TIME! [Fixed] Corrected database prefix when querying banned users by ip/email. Version: 1.3.0 [Added] Message in plugin settings to warn when required MySQL tables are missing [Fixed] Removed http links from enqueue to support SSL. Version: 1.2.9 [Added] Ability to set front end notifications to users when banned [Added] Ability to force logout &/or redirect on acknowledging front end notification [Fixed] Force logout not working when custom logout url set Version: 1.2.8 [Added] Capture users' IP/Geodata during login [Added] Display IP/Geodata in users table [Added] Send notifications to specified email addresses when user publishes first post [Added] Prevent users with banned email address from registering [Added] Prevent users with banned email address from logging in [Added] Prevent users with banned ip address from registering [Added] Prevent users with banned ip address from logging in [Added] Easily manage add/remove/search banned email/ip addresses [Added] Option to capture reason for ban without needing to send email notification [Fixed] Default reason for BAN not working in all conditions [Added] Set preferred date format (i.e. dd-mm-yyyy) [Added] New email template tag for including ban lift date [Fixed] Minor amends [Fixed] Email charset switched to UTF8 [Fixed] BAN reason function updated to support accented characters [Fixed] Updated options save function to support accented characters [Fixed] Turned display/log PHP error debug off Version: 1.2.3 [Fixed] Undefined index error accessing default login message [Fixed] Undefined index error accessing default reason message Version: 1.2.2 [Added] Set message to display when a BANned user attempts to login. [Added] Users table includes tooltip to show reason user banned. [Added] Users table includes tooltip to show date user banned. [Added] Users table includes tooltip to show date user reinstated. Version: 1.2.1 [Added] Toggle BANned column in users table on/off [Added] Toggle BANned highlighted red row in users table [Added] Minor security enhancements Version: 1.2.0 [Added] Set duration of BAN using date picker [Fixed] Move PHP functions into class structure [Added] Custom UnBAN email template for user notification [Fixed] Secured plugin files by preventing direct access Version: 1.1.1 [Fixed] Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context Version: 1.1.0 [Added] BAN user email notification [Added] Custom BAN email template for user notification [Fixed] Corrected force logout bug<br /> [Added] Ability to capture reason for BANning user [Added] WordPress Uninstall configuration Version: 1.0.1 Initial release