WPCS – WordPress Currency Switcher Professional – Multi Currency - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WordPress Currency Switcher (WPCS) is WordPress currency plugin, that allows your site visitors switch prices currencies in your site content according to set currencies rates in the real time!
Power marketing tool for WordPress sites where its necessary display content in more than one currency. Ideal solution to make your site commercial suggestion more clear for customers from different countries! Good for any marketing programs, catalogs, portfolios and any commercial text-content (propositions).
WordPress Currency Switcher is available as shortcode [wpcs] so as the widget. Insert prices into your content by shortcode [wpcs_price value=20]
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ATTENTION: this plugin IS NOT for WooCommerce. If you need currency switcher for WooCommerce site, use WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin instead of this one.
✔ Representation
Currency Switcher is available as a widget and works in any widgetized area, for flexibility the shortcode is also available [wpcs]. You can insert shortcode [wpcs] in any place of your site, even in the top menu.
Also the plugin has ajaxed shortcode/widget of currency converter and ajaxed shortcode/widget of currency rates
Insert prices into your content by shortcode [wpcs_price value=20]
✔ Design
Graphically WordPress Currency Switcher can be represented in 3 different ways: drop-down, flags, side switcher. For each currency it is possible to set its own flag.
✔ Rates
Set of currencies aggregators for automatic rates changing. Also admin can set rates manually if it’s necessary!
✔ Rates auto update
Update currency rates hourly, twice daily, daily, weekly, monthly by cron. Or you can disable it and set your own currency rates by hands!
✔ Currency Wizard
Search and add multiple currencies with all data: flag, rate, sign, description, etc.
✔ Price
Set price format which fit your needs – decimals count, usual money sign or custom sign, money sign position (4 variants). You can show or hide cents for each currency optionally.
✔ Possible to take the price value directly from meta field
value of meta field should be decimal or integer
✔ GEO IP rules
Let your site visitors see prices in their country currency! Flexible options which allows to set what currency to display to each country
✔ Fixed prices options
[wpcs_price] – If you want to set for each currency its own price and avoid recounting relatively of basic currency: [wpcs_price type=”fixed” value=”USD:15,EUR:20,GBP:45”] . If you want use meta field instead of attribute ‘value’ write shortcode as [wpcs_price meta_value=my_price_field type=”fixed”] and value of meta field should has next syntax: USD:15,EUR:20,GBP:45
✔ Custom money signs
Create and use your own money symbols you need. It is possible even use currency which not exists in the reality!
✔ Custom price formats
Each currency can has its own format where price and money sign can be set on the side you want
Note: for today design of the plugin is different of the video (is improved), see screenshots below!
✔ Welcome currency
Allows to set any price currency you want for your site visitors first visit. So if your site currency is INR and you want let your customers on their first visit see prices converted to USD you just need to set ‘Welcome currency’ in WPCS options.
✔ Compatibility with cache plugins
If your site uses any cache plugins enable option ‘I am using cache plugin on my site’, reset the site cache and from now your site visitors can switch currencies without any problems!
✔ Price info icon
Show info icon near the price which while its under mouse hover shows prices in all other currencies
✔ Prices without cents
Recounts prices without cents for such currencies like JPY or TWD which by its nature have not cents. Test it for checkout after setup!
✔ Possible to change currency according to the language
If you you using WPML or Polylang plugins in your site and by business logic you want to set currency according to the current language it is possible with WPCS API
✔ WPCS understand currency in the site link as https://demo.wp-currency.com/?currency=EUR
✔ Decimal separator optional
✔ Thousandth separator optional
✔ Wide API
Advanced API functionality set which allows to manipulate with prices and their rates on the fly using conditional logic
✔ Easy to use for administrators and site customers
✔ Strong technical support which each day works with tones of code!
DON’T DOUBT! Install WordpRess Currency Switcher simply just now without purchasing!
- Go to your site plugins page
- Press “Add new Plugin” button
- In the search input write next string: WordPress Currency Switcher
- You will see WordPress Currency Switcher – Install and activate it!
- Use it for free if only 2 currencies is enough for your site – all features are unlocked there
- Troubles? Issues? Do you need something specific? ASK SUPPORT HERE AND WITHIN 24H YOU WILL GET THE ANSWER!
Still not convinced? Download it now for FREE before pay and take it for a test drive on our own site!
Of course WPCS comes with comprehensive online documentation for any of those niggling
questions, including a dedicated section on working with the API and custom sections for
developers, how to setup your frontend and use Shortcodes as well as Tips & Tricks for getting
the most out of your new plugin
This plugin is part of “WooCommerce Business Tools Bundle”
WordPress plugins & PHP scripts for business
Changelog: https://wp-currency.com/changelog