Xtreme One Toolbar Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Quick Access to Xtreme One Framework Resources – Time Saver!
This plugin just adds a lot Xtreme One Framework related resources to your toolbar / admin bar. Also links to all settings pages of this framework are added making life for webmasters a lot easier. So you might just switch from the frontend of your site to the Xtreme One ‘Xtreme Widget Manager’ or adjust the ‘Framework Settings’ etc. — Use this time saver and get quicker access 🙂
Please note: The plugin requires the Xtreme One Theme Framework (in version 1.5.3 or higher), a paid premium product released by Inpsyde GmbH (via marketpress.com).
General Features
- The plugin is primarily intended towards site admins and webmasters.
- All the Framework settings links, plus support for all official child themes.
- Support for the most popular & best WordPress SEO plugins included (see below for listing).
- A massive list of official resource links is included: support forums, tutorials, documentation, translations etc.
- The added menu items by the plugin follow the same user cabalities as their original links – in other words: if a link to a settings page is not displayed without my plugin for a certain user role/capability it won’t be when my plugin is active!
- 10 additional icon colors included 🙂 (changeable via filters)
- 4 filters included to change wording/tooltip and icon of the main item – for more info see FAQ section here
- For custom “branding” or special needs a few sections like “Extensions” and “Resource links group” could be hidden from displaying via your active child theme – for more info see FAQ section here
- Fully internationalized! Real-life tested and developed with international users in mind!
- Fully WPML compatible!
Special Features
- This time supporting all official Xtreme One sites
- Switching between German and English/ International locale happens automatically based on your set WordPress locale in wp-config – as the official framework site is bilingual so is this plugin!!!
- Link to downloadable German language packs – only displayed when German locales are active (de_DE, de_AT, de_CH, de_LU)
- If the Xtreme One ecosystem grows more and more I will also add third-party and user links of course… 🙂
- NOTE: I would be happy to add more language/locale specific resources and more useful third-party links – just contact me!
Again, as the name suggests this plugin is intended towards site admins and webmasters. The new admin bar entries will only be displayed if the current user has the WordPress capability of mange_options
. (Note: I am open for suggestions here if this should maybe changed to a more suitable capability.)
Plugin/ Theme Support
- Since version 1.1.0 of the plugin all official child themes to date are supported: “Blank” (packaged with framework), “Minimalist”, “Indoor”, “Draft”, “VintageFolio”, “Tuscany”.
- Since version 1.1.0 of the plugin the following premium & free SEO plugins are supported:
- “wpSEO” by Sergej Mueller (see: wpseo.de) (premium)
- “WordPress SEO by Yoast” by Joost de Valk/ Yoast.com (free)
- “All In One SEO Pack” by Michael Torbert (free version)
- “All In One SEO Pack Pro” by Michael Torbert (premium version)
- “SEO Ultimate” by SEO Design Solutions (free)
- “gdHeadSpace4” by Milan Petrovic at Dev4Press (free)
- “HeadSpace2” by John Godley (free)
- Note: As more official or third-party child themes and plugins become available I’ll add support if possible.
- Your plugin? – Just contact me with specific data
- English (default) – always included
- German – always included
- .pot file (
) for translators is also always included 🙂 - Easy plugin translation platform with GlotPress tool: Translate “Xtreme One Toolbar”…
- Your translation? – Just send it in
Credit where credit is due: This plugin here is inspired and based on the work of Remkus de Vries @defries and his original “WooThemes Admin Bar Addition” plugin.
A plugin from deckerweb.de and GenesisThemes
- I am open for your suggestions and feedback – Thank you for using or trying out one of my plugins!
- Drop me a line @deckerweb on Twitter
- Follow me on my Facebook page
- Or follow me on +David Decker on Google Plus 😉
- Also see my other plugins or see my WordPress.org profile page
- Tip: GenesisFinder – Find then create. Your Genesis Framework Search Engine.
Xtreme One Toolbar in action (English default version) (Click here for larger version of screenshot)
Xtreme One Toolbar in action – German translation 🙂 (Click here for larger version of screenshot)
Xtreme One Toolbar in action – plugin help tab (Click here for larger version of screenshot)