Backup And Restore Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Backup And Restore is a wordpress plugin through which you cantake or schedule backup on local server or cloud servers includingDropbox, Google Drive and Amazon S3. You can restore your whole siteincluding database on any of existing restore points with just aclick. Downloading of your wordpress site, database and all of yourbackups are also possible which can be restored through the zip fileand the sql file.
Key Features
Full Backup
Backup and restore helps to make whole site is backup along withdatabase on local server. It also displays total size of total localbackup and number of restore points created.
Quick Backup
In quick backup only the files which are modified after last backuptaken are considered for backup.
It also displays informationregarding total size and total number of restore points.
Dropbox Backup
You can take full backup of your site with database on dropbox, you have to provide correct credentials. You mainly have to provideDropbox Api key, Dropbox Api Secret and Dropbox Access Token.
Amazon S3 Backup
Your backup can also be uploaded on your amazon S3 account theonly thing you need to do is provide the correct credentials.
Google Drive Backup
Just click on the Google Drive Backup and provide correctcredentials to upload your backup on google drive.
Download your site and database
You can download your wordpress site in zip format and date insql format.
Log and Restore
In log and restore all backups are listed in different sectionaccording to the location where backup is taken .
In configuration settings(API credentials) of different cloudservers are saved.Settings can be easily saved and reset.There arethree section seach for Dropbox, Amazon S3 and Google Drive.
In customization section folders can be selected for backup, ifthis feature is enabled then only selected folders and files arebackuped.
Backup Schedule
There are options to schedule your backup on the basis of timeand event.
Schedule Timely
You can schedule your backup timely(Weekly, Daily, Monthly) and youhave to sit back and wait at the time of scheduled backup.
Schedule On Event
You can schedule your backup on plugin activation, plugindeactivation and theme activation.
Scheduled Jobs
In this section all backups which are scheduled on timely basisare displayed with following options
1. Hook
It is the hook on which the backup us scheduled.
2. Type
It is the type of backup I.e on which server backup istaken(Local, Dropbox, Google Drive and Amazon S3).
3. Timing
The actual time at which the backup is scheduled.
4. Next Execution
Next execution time of the Scheduled backup
How to use it
Backup and restore is a wordpress plugin which is really going tomake your life tension free and easy as it provide single click backupand restore feature. But you need to do some setups regarding your APIcredentials for using feature of cloud backup.
Minimum Requirements
- WordPress 4.0 or greater.
- PHP version 5.5.5 or greater.
- CURL extension must be installed.
- Zip extension must be installed.
- MySQL version 5.0 or greater
Other Features
Responsive Design
Take full control over responsive design on different views.
Translation Ready
.po and .mo files included, for easy translation to your’s ownlanguage.