Quick QR Code Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Quick QR Code generates a QR code based on the current page URL. Each QR code is unique and will be generated on Current Page Link.
Demo | Pro Dashbord demo | Docs | HomePage
Free Version Features
- Genertaing Dynamic QR Code
- Display with Shortcode. [quick-qr]
- Elementor addon Supported
- Easy to qr code size customize
Pro Version Features
- All features include free version
- Gradient Color QR code Dots
- Gradient Eye irish Color
- Gradient Eye Pupil Color
- QR Dot Design: Square , Dots, Rounded, Extra Rounded,classy , Classy rounded
- QR Eye irish Design: Square, Rounded, Extra Rounded,classy
- QR Eye Pupil Design: Square, Circle,classy
- QR Generate Automatically
- QR generate for Custom link, text, number
- QR generate for Whatsapp Chat Access
- QR Code for Google Maps Location
- QR Wifi Access
- Bulk vCard Generator
- QR Generate for Post, Page, Product, and Custom Post Type
- Current Page URL QR Meta box Support
- vCard QR Meta box Support
- Display Automatically at the bottom of the content
- Display by Shortcode
- Display Shortcode with Attribute
- Logo upload Spported
- QR Image Bulk Print facility
- Download the QR Image from the frontend and backend
- Live Preview
QR codes are created with authentic JavaScript and do not require Google API dependencies.
No screenshots provided