YD WPMU Bloglist Widget Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Show a list of all the WPMU sub-sites
This WordPress MU plugin installs a new sidebar widget that can display the list of children sites of your main mother site in a single or multi-column format.
The post count is displayed for each sub-site / blog of the blogs listing.
It also creates a new PHP function that can be included in any template to display an ordered list that can be designed as a block of information using CSS.
The list can be ordered by blog name, post count, blog creation date or last update, in ascending or descending order.
Blogs can be excluded from the list based on various criteria or individually by blog ID.
Since version 2.0.0, this plugin supports WPML multiple-language blogs: it will automatically list only blogs using the active language, except where WPML filters are deactivated,
or a special ‘in’ (international) langiage is created.
If you don’t like the widget or don’t use sidebars, you can also include the list in the content of any page or post of your blog,
by simply adding the special [!YDWPMUBL]
special tag, or include the blog listing in a template with the <?php yd_display_wpmu_bloglist() ?>
The list design is highly customizable allowing different settings when displayed as a widget on the home page and other blog pages, and when used inside templates.
All display parameters can be set in the settings (options) page, or overridden in the template function call.
The display style of each element of the listing can be individually customized using CSS.
The plugin uses cache and sitemeta table information to avoid multiple database query.
It has its own widget control pannel and admin settings page.
It is fully internationalized.
Base package includes .pot file for translation of the interface, and English, Spanish, Galician, French, Dutch and German versions.
The plugin can be used to display text in any WordPress compatible language and charset.
Active support
Drop me a line on my YD WPMU Bloglist plugin support site to report bugs, ask for a specific feature or improvement, or just tell me how you’re using the plugin.
Description en Français :
Ce plug-in WordPress installe un nouveau widget dans votre barre latérale qui peut afficher la liste des “sous-sites” de votre site principal WordPress MU, triés selons divers critères au choix.
Le nombre de billets publiés dans chaque blog est également indiqué.
La liste peut être triée notamment par nom de site, par nombre de billets publiés, par date de création ou de mise à jour.
On peut sélectionner quels blogs sont inclus ou exclus de la liste selon divers critères, et exclure individuellement des blogs par identifiant.
Depuis la version 2.0.0 ce plugin supporte les sites multi-lingues utilisant WPML. Seuls les blogs de la langue active seront listés.
La liste est affichée sous forme d’un bloc, sur une ou plusieurs colonnes et on peut choisir le nombre de colonnes à utiliser.
Si vous n’aimez pas le principe du widget ou n’utilisez pas de barres latérales, vous pouvez inclure la liste des blogs n’impore où dans le contenu des pages et billets de votre blog,
simplement en insérant un “tag” spécial.
Chaque élément affiché dispose d’un conteneur séparé permettant de complètement personnaliser le style d’affichage à l’aide de feuilles de style CSS.
Le plugin utilise un système de cache pour éviter les requêtes de base de données redondantes.
Il a son propre panneau de contrôle et sa page de réglages (options) dans l’administration.
Il est entièrement internationalisé.
La distribution standard inclut le fichier de traduction .pot et les versions française, anglaise, espagnole, galicienne, hollandaise et allemande.
Le plugin peut fonctionner avec n’importe quelle langue ou jeu de caractères y compris le chinois.
Pour toute aide ou information en français, laissez-moi un commentaire sur le site de support du plugin YD WPMU Bloglist Widget.
Funding Credits
Original and additional developments of this plugin has been paid for by Wellcom.fr. Please visit their site!
Le développement d’origine et les améliorations de cette extension ont été financés par Wellcom.fr. Allez visiter leur site !
If you want to contribute to a translation of this plugin, please drop me a line by e-mail or leave a comment on the plugin’s page.
You will get credit for your translation in the plugin file and this documentation, as well as a link on this page and on my developers’ blog.
Translation credits
- Spanish and Galician translation kindly provided by: Arume
- Dutch translation kindly provided by: Rene
- German translation by: Rian Kramer
- Ukrainian translation by: Mikalay Lisica
Widget control pannel
The widget has its own control pannel for setting-up its look and feel. You can administer it from the widgets admin page.
Remember to clear the cache when you make changes, if you want to see them right away (see hereunder).
Widget options page
Use the widget’s own option page to clear the cache and reset default settings.
Otherwise, the cache expires only when content is added to the blog or widget control panel options are changed.
- 2.1.1 Indonesian translation by Syamsul Alam
- 2.1.0 New features: drop-down, sort by domain, filter hooks, show_count=false, wp-style arguments
- 2.0.0 Major new release : WPML support, blog exclusion options
- 1.0.2 Bugfix in postcount order; German version.
- 1.0.1 Bugfix in settings update.
- 1.0.0 Final release. Includes improved settings page and Dutch version.
- 0.2.2 Bug fixes in the options page (when saving settings) – still considered beta (check cache IRL).
- 0.2.1 Third debug (“duplicate link” issue for subdomains) – still considered beta (check cache IRL).
- 0.2.0 Second debug (thanks to TB@Wellcom) – still considered beta (check cache IRL).
- 0.1.1 First debug (thanks to Arume) – still considered beta (check cache IRL).
- 0.1.0 Original beta version.
Did you like it?
Drop me a line on http://www.yann.com/en/wp-plugins/yd-wpmu-bloglist-widget
And… please rate this plugin –>
An example of the WPMU Bloglist Widget Plugin in action (2-columns blog list block)
The settings/options page (english version)
La page de réglages/options (version fançaise)